Monday, September 2, 2013

The Little Jasmine That Could

We interrupt our scheduled hiatus to bring you these photos of the night blooming jasmine, cestrum nocturnum, in bloom. No words can express the scent on our deck at night.

First signs of life at the end of April this year

I am toying with the idea of putting him in the ground next Spring and see if he comes back like he has on the pot.  Otherwise he might take over the whole deck.  The progress since last year has been above and beyond my wildest dreams.  Way to go little jasmine!


  1. I have a night blooming jasmine planted directly behind my house right in front of the chimney and it is now almost as tall as the chimney. It is very close to the patio area and when I am outside at night the fragrance is heavenly. It is blooming like crazy too. It dies back to the ground when our temps go below freezing but comes back like gang busters. I am so glad that I planted it, it is such a pleasure to be outside at night and smell that wonderful aroma.

    Carolyn/A Southerner's Notebook

    1. I am so glad to hear this. Just the push I needed to put it in the ground next Spring.

  2. Oh how very wonderful...for you, for the plant, and for everyone near you!! It can stay outside all winter, right? So glad you "reappeared" to tell us about it!!!

    1. It dies down in the winter and comes back in Spring. Look at the pics. Thanks for the note.

  3. Your garden must smell heavenly in the evening.

    1. To die for! that is why I go through all the trouble!

  4. Lucky you. I remember you writing about it last year; I adore the jasmine here, usually included in the puang malai (garlands) offered to people and sometimes placed on spirit houses.

    1. Spirit houses...hmmm. Yes, it is abundant in your neck of the woods. We are so lucky!

  5. I would love to have that outside my window! Gorgeous.


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