Sunday, October 6, 2013

While We Were Out...Encore!

I have stupidly deleted the original post.  Goes to show you that practice makes perfect.  Be very careful with this.  Believe me, you cannot get it back.  I have been trying for two hours.  In the meantime, thank you Parnassus, Libby, Deanna, Sam and Martha for your kind comments.  I have missed you too.

I know I've been gone longer than I thought I would, but after four and a half years of blogging a girl needs a break. I will say it has been hard to come back.  Whilst I enjoy posting new recipes and sharing some of my old ones with you, it is a production of sorts to put everything together. One has to be in the right mood. On the other hand, the friends I have made blogging are priceless and the only reason to keep on trucking.

It would be hard and time consuming to replicate the whole post again so I am just going to share some of the highlights .  The next post has been already baked and photographed... a recipe for a delightful Swiss Chard Quiche we had yesterday for lunch.  In the meantime here are some of the photos and bits of the deleted post.

Coco and the Sous Chef have finally reached an Entente Cordiale, of sorts.  Here's a typical morning in my sitting room:

Coco takes the high ground

She is so thankful to have a home

While the Sous Chef schemes and sulks

Watching for prey in the garden below.  The Sous Chef likes this part.

And then I wonder why I've had a "cold" for over two months.

The front door has been Fall-ized.  Out with the ferns and geraniums and in with two Japanese hollies for the urns and my favorite mums.

 And we have been eating lots of Swiss Chard:

In omelets

And a delightful Swiss Chard, Onion and Gruyere Quiche I will post next.

Visited with Madame Mere for a couple of weeks and came back to a weekend with the grandchildren and a delightful cocktail party given by Reggie Darling at the Four Seasons in Atlanta for his blogger and banker friends. As only he can pull off.  Barry of the Blue Remembered Hills , Jennifer of The Peak Of Chic and Terry of Architecture Tourist were there.

Life has been good and I'm glad to be back.


  1. Welcome back, dear Julieta! Truly, you have been missed.
    Looking forward to that Chard/Gruyere quiche recipe....

  2. Thanks Toby, it's friends like you who make it all worthwhile.

  3. WooHoo! I'm glad to have you back, including the new member of the family, COCO!
    She's adorable, hope my beloved BF is not too jealous, LOL!
    Love Vivi

  4. She is coping Viv, she is coping. Actually better than I thought. Completely ignores Coco, or at least pretends to. Miss you guys! need to tweet some more.

  5. Glad you are back! I so like reading and looking at your many receipes!


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