Saturday, August 17, 2013

Peach Tarte Tatin For A Cool Summer Evening

Nothing could be simpler and more delicious than this peach tarte tatin.  It follows the same steps as its more famous sister, the apple tatin.  Enjoy it while you can.

There are lots of peach recipes on the blog, from peach crumb pie to peach chutney.  Check them out on the Master Recipe Index above.

The Sous Chef and I are going to take a few days off for a much needed rest from blogging.  You know she has issues pending, and so do I.  We will see you back here in the Fall.  Enjoy the rest of the Summer, if you can call it that. It's still raining here this weekend and it's cool.  We have the fireplace going.  It's the middle of August and this is the deep South.


Peach Tarte Tatin


6 Tablespoons butter
3/4 to 1 cup sugar
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
10 medium (about 3 3/4 pounds) slightly ripe peaches: peel, remove pit and cut in quarters
 Frozen puff pastry crust, thawed

 Preheat the oven to 400 degrees
• Heat the lemon juice, 1 cup sugar  and 6 tablespoons butter in a large iron or oven proof skillet over medium-high heat until the mixture boils.
• Place the peaches in the skillet and cook for 10 minutes. Carefully turn peaches over; cook 8 to 12 minutes longer until syrup is caramelized and thickened. (If peaches are really ripe, reduce cooking time.
• Place pastry on top of peaches, fold dough under to form a rim around edge of peaches. Cut 4 to 6 small slits in dough so steam can escape. Bake for approximately 25 minutes — until crust is golden.
• When tart is done, place large platter over top of tart. Quickly turn skillet upside down on the serving plate. Serve with vanilla ice cream or homemade whipped cream (with a dash of Bourbon).

All photos Lindaraxa


  1. What a great idea to use peaches in a tart tatin. The peach season has been fabulous this year.

    Summer? I think the rains washed it away. It already feels like fall in the mountains - it's 58 degrees on my porch this morning. Enjoy your time off and tell "mon petite ami" to hang in there. Things always have a way of working out.

  2. Well, we are only three degrees above you this am. incredible!

    Things are working out much better than I expected. Kitty is very wise and your amie has just about thrown in the towel. I never thought things would work out between these two but they have. Everything about this cat has been amazing. This is one for the books!

  3. Yum yum! How perfect with chilled whipped cream!

  4. It's awful, awful weather and it never ends! We haven't had quite as much rain as you..but still, this IS the South (isn't it??) So glad you and the sous chef are taking time off. I am enjoying mine immensely, although I'm so busy with other things it hardly seems a break! Would you ever think about taking an overnight up here perhaps??? We would love to see you, bien sur!!!
    So, you're keeping the cat? Is Lucy really, really ok with it? Call me, or Skype, if you want!

  5. OH MY!

    I made this once long ago and it was divine. Must try your recipe in peach season.

  6. What a luscious dessert. I've bookmarked this one for my own use. Fortunately, peaches are still abundant here, so your recipe will be used before the season is over. have a wonderful blog break. I'll see you in September. Blessings...Mary


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