Thursday, June 17, 2010

Dinner Party Fare...Stuffed Roast Pork Tenderloin with Fig And Balsamic Chutney

There are some recipes that are so versatile they can be served hot for an elegant dinner party or cold for a ladies luncheon on the terrace.  This pork tenderloin is one of them and I am going to prove it to you!

The recipe is very loosely adapted from Thomas Keller, he of the French Laundry, Bouchon and others and is very similar to one I had cold at a very elegant lunch in upstate New York.  I was so impressed, I remember the menu to this day. Of course it was a beautiful setting, a racing horse farm with an elegant Federal house that had belonged to a former New York governor.

Stuffed Pork Tenderloin With Fig Balsamic Chutney
(Printable Recipe)

Make the chutney first:


1 lbs  Dried or fresh Figs chopped
1/4 cup Balsamic Vinegar
1 cup sugar
1 cup beef broth

Put everything in a pan bring to a boil and lower to simmer until reduced.  Cool in a glass container and leave at room temperature.  If it is a little runny it's okay, you want to spoon some over the pork.  It will firm up in the refrigerator and can be stored up to a week or two.


8 figs dried or fresh, finely minced
4 slices of prosciutto finely minced
2 TB dried bread crums
2TB. orange juice
2 TB pine nuts
finely chopped parsley

Mix everything in a bowl and set aside.  The bread crumbs aand orange juice are what binds this together so use a little discretion adding more bread crumbs or less oranje juice as needed.

For the Roast.

1 pork tenderloin in two pieces*
juice of 1 bitter orange
1 chopped onion
4 garlic cloves mashed
canola oil
Salt & Pepper

Marinade the pork loin in the bitter orange juice, chopped onions and mashed garlic for at least 4 hours.   As an an alternative, you can marinade in Goya's Mojo Criollo marinade which has all of these ingredients.

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Remove and dry.  Take one of the pork pieces lay it flat on a cutting board and spread the stuffing along the length of the loin. Place the other piece on top. Tie the roast at 1 1/4 inch intervals with kitchen twine.  Do not tie so tight that the stuffing comes out. Spread pepper and kosher salt all over the loin.

Place 2 TB of canola oil in a dutch oven or frying pan and brown the roast about 5 minutes on each side.  Transfer to a rack on top of a roasting pan and place in the oven.  Roast  for 30 minutes. If you notice the pork is not browning enough, bring temperature up to 400 degrees, remember not all ovens are created equal. Remove from the oven, spread  some of the fig chutney with a brush all around and return to oven for 5 more minutes.  Remove from the oven and let rest 30 MINUTES.  This is important, don't skim.

Cut in 1/4 inch slices* and arrange the slices on a platter., drizzle some of the chutney (which should still be a little runny) on top and place the rest in a bowl to serve alongside.

The pork will be a light pink and juicy.  When you cut it, you might have to hold the slices together with your left hand to hold the stuffing inside.

**you can substitute a 2 1/2 lbs pork loin. which you can stuff by making a horizontal lengthwise cut with a knife halfway from one side and meeting with another cut from the other side.

Menu suggestions:

Stuffed Roast Pork Tenderloin With Fig Balsamic Chutney

French Green Beans

Stay tuned for the second version!

It;s Foodie Friday. Let's see what's cooking at Designs by Gollum


  1. How delicious, and what a mouth-watering menu. Stuffed port loin is a great favorite when "puttin' on the dawg" at Darlington dinner parties. I have always served it when the weather is cold, however, since it is rather hearty, rich fare. What a delightful idea to serve it at room temperature (or cold) in the summer. Thanks, Reggie

  2. I have never had cold so must try. Lovely menu.

  3. This sounds devine...I love using pork tenderoins for company dinners.....oh, so easy and yet comes off just fussy enough :)


  4. Great combination of flavors for the pork roast -- and a perfect complete suggested menu to complement it.


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