Friday, January 15, 2010

Haiti Needs Our Support NOW! ...Here's How to Help

Please take some time today to do something for the people of Haiti by encouraging fellow bloggers and subscribers to make a contribution to this enormous catastrophe. We can't, in due conscience, continue blogging and posting recipes when there are so many in this impoverished country who are going by without food or medical assistance. They need our help NOW.

You can give directly to UNICEF here. Even easier, you can text 90999 with the word "Haiti" to donate ten dollars to the American Red Cross; the charge will appear on your phone bill.  My preference is Doctors Without Borders, but it's up to you.  No matter, do something.

 Right now. You're sitting right there. It will hardly take a minute


“If you can't feed a hundred people, then just feed one.” ~Mother Teresa

Photo:  New York Times

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