Friday, January 15, 2010

Florentine Steak Marinaded in Balsamic And Rosemary

If you are a meat lover like me, just around this time of the year you'll begin to crave a nice juicy steak, just like the ones we grilled in the summer.  When I started this blog in the Spring, I started a bi weekly series called Saturday Night on the Grill. Remember those?  We'll, I'm beginning to miss them.

Unfortunately, if you left the grill outside hoping for a warm day in January, you will find that it is by now covered with a nice crust of snow from last week's storms.  Hmm...  When I lived in a small New York apartment many years ago, I purchased one of those nice indoor grills that never seemed to get hot enough to deliver an acceptable steak.  Years later, I discovered a nice trick that most chefs use to deliver those great steaks you are willing to pay a king's ransom for.  It's simple, you first sear the meat on top of the stove in your iron skillet, and then finish it by roasting  in the oven for another 20 to 30 minutes, depending on what kind of carnivore you are.

In the summer, I will kill anybody who puts anything more than Worcestershire Sauce and pepper on top of my steak.  In the winter... well, all bets are off.  This is the time to experiment with all those marinades you wanted to try in the summer but were afraid to use on a $10/lbs New York Strip.  Mine is fairly simple: balsamic vinegar, olive oil, rosemary, a little Worcestershire Sauce (my best friend) and some salt and pepper.  For a cut of meat, I find that porterhouse is  the best cut to cook on the certainly is the tastiest!

Yes your home will smell a bit for a short while, but that's what all those Diptyke candles are for...use them.  There's no nicer accompaniment to this kind of steak than pommes frittes, and a nice salad, or better yet, creamed spinach.  You should really accompany this meal with an  Italian Chianti from the region, preferably one with firm tannins such as the Banfi Chianti Classico.  A robust California Cabernet will also do the trick, although it will not transport you to Florence when you close your eyes.  All you need to round up the meal, if you are willing to spend a little extra time, is the Pear's Babette I posted a couple of nights ago.

Serves 4


1 cup balsamic vinegar

1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

1/4 cup finely chopped rosemary

1 TB Worcestershire Sauce

1 3 lbs or 2 1 1/2-pound porterhouse steaks,

2 teaspoons kosher salt

2 teaspoons coarsely ground pepper


In a sturdy resealable plastic bag, combine the vinegar with 1/2 cup of the olive oil and the rosemary. Add the steaks, seal the bag and refrigerate overnight, turning the bag several times.

Preheat the oven to 425° and bring the steaks to room temperature. Heat a grill pan. Remove the steaks from the marinade and season with the salt and pepper. Rub the side with the remaining 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Sear over moderately high heat until nicely charred on the top and bottom, about 5 minutes per side. Transfer the steak to a roasting pan and roast for about 30 minutes, until an instant-read thermometer inserted into the tenderloin (the smaller section) registers 125°.  Transfer the steak to a carving board and let rest for 10 minutes. Slice the steak across the grain and serve immediately.

Adapted from Food and Wine
Photo: Flickr/creampuffsinvenice


  1. This looks yummy and I'll have to try it the next time we do steak.

    This is my first visit and I love your blog (found it from Reggie Darling)

    I've been spending time reading older posts.

  2. Martha,
    Thank you for visiting. I was just over at your blog..see we have something in common..
    silver!will have to try that polish you mentioned. always looking for ways to simplify cleaning (maybe a butler?!)


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