Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Product Giveaway...Just in Time for Christmas!

Well, it's that time of the year when all of us are feeling a little more generous than ordinary.  To commemorate that feeling and convey my appreciation to all my readers, I am giving away something I really want and haven't bought, just because I have been too stingy to do it.  Yeah, I know what you are thinking..her, stingy? Yep, I am one of those people who can be quite stingy, especially when it comes to the small parking! 

All kidding aside, last week, an online store which specializes in everything you might ever want for your kitchen, approached me to see if I would be interested in participating with them in a giveaway for my readers.  My choice, all within a budget, of course! It took me all of ten seconds to check out their site and get back to them.  One of the things that caught my eye was something I have been wanting to get and should have bought long ago.  If you like veal or chicken paillard, croquettes or anything that requires breading with both flour and breadcrumbs, this Paula Dean Cookware 3 Tray Breading Set will come in very handy.  Now, I know what you are thinking...who needs another gadget to clean and store.  Well let me tell you, I find myself wishing I had one of these at least once a week.

I am a big fan of Le Creuset and when I look through online sites like this the first thing I look for is their brand.  What could I possibly find that my readers and I would like that is within my budget?  It didn't take long  for me to zero in on this beautiful Le Creuset 1.13 Quart Loaf Pan.  Oh my, this is something even I didn't know they had.  Have you taken a look at your loaf pan lately? Mine looks like it's been through two world wars and counting! And this one I can take from the oven to the table and to the refrigerator! One pan!

So there you have it...two choices, a practical gift and a practical and very pretty gift...your choice!

Just write me a comment down below (no emails), anything you want,( hopefully nice) and one of these two gifts can be yours.  I will close the contest next Wednesday, December 23rd at midnight and my sous chef (Lucy) and I will randomly choose a winner* and announce it on the 24th.  I will then contact you for your info and your choice of gift.  That's it!

Hurry up!!!

*disclaimer, only US and Canadian readers please. I know, I know, sorry I don’t make the rules I just give away the gift!


  1. That Le Creuset pan would be great to have. I love that color! Love the blog - Merry Christms!

  2. RitaWNeher@gmail.comDecember 16, 2009 at 3:19 PM

    What a generous thing to do for anyone. Thank you very much. As you said, loaf pans; the meatloaf kind; can look disgraceful. Mine especially, as my husband attempted for the 2nd time in our lives together, to put together a meatloaf...The 1st time he did it was before we were married and he cooked it, not knowing, for 3 hours. It could have been a door stop.The 2nd time, just recently, he used ground turkey, almost no seasoning and no spray or anything to the pan...He chipped it out....
    So, if I should win, a meat loaf pan would be lovely, just like your idea. Thanks.

  3. love love love the color of that Le Creuset dish: I could really use that! And, of course, can't wait to see all the help your sous-chef will be in this endeavor!

  4. I love the cute puppy. merry christmas.

  5. Hi Julie, since I am one of the discriminated I won't comment on the objects but on the act. GOOD HEARTED AS USUAL. Love

  6. (This might be second posting?)
    Hi, I am new to your blog and am excited for a couple of reasons. First is that your website was recommended by the mother of a dear Miamian friend. I was born and raised in Miami and now live not far from Lake Lanier, so we might be neighbors? I enjoy cooking very much, especially Cuban food, which is a staple on our dinner table, where my mother, husband and children sit down to discuss and argue all the things we latins are passionate about. I learned to cook from two mentors, 1) Grandma Mary, my husband's Italian grandmother who arrived via Ellis Island in the early 1900's. And 2) my Colombian Aunt Mimi, who is very good at seasoning food.
    Like most enthusiastic cooks, Ilike to share my recipes too. So I suggest adding Flan to your Christmas menu. Thank you for a beautiful website/blog, I truely have enjoyed tying in my Miami home with my Georgia home! Un abrazo, lila

  7. To Barony Mom,
    Thank you for your kind comments. I intend to add the flan at some point in the future, so stay tuned! I also have a sister blog with country recipes etc. which you might enjoy! Feliz Navidad!

  8. What a fun thing to do!! Both gifts are wonderful.. But recipes must be included!!! Snowy likes to bread pan, the cats think the triple dish is for them! Lucy looks so festive! Merry Christmas ... Look forward to reading your next posting!

  9. Tough choice. I actually think the triple dish item might be super useful!
    Fingers crossed!

  10. The La Creuset dish looks beautiful!
    Hope to win. Emma

  11. Either one would be great to win. Since I am not allowed in the kitchen save for the care and feeding of the westies, I would give it to my husband. He did not like what I made one time, so I told him it is his job now! IT WORKED!! He loves to cook with meat and fruit mixed into.
    Merry Christmas to Lucy also from the puppy mill westie rescues
    Ginger and Penny

  12. I hope I made it! I would love to win either one of the items, but I think the 3 tray Breading Set will come in extremely handy at my house!

    Thank you so much, and have a very merry Christmas!!!

    Ps. Say Hi to your westy...ours says hi!

  13. Dear Julietta,
    Thank you for your generous offer especially since it is a very lean holiday season and a tough year for me. Best wishes to you and your family (humans and animals) for a year filled with peace, love, joy, prosperity, harmony and laughter.
    The Le Creuset pan would be wonderful for my meatloaf or braised meats. I love to cook. Food is my passion and cooking is my joy!

  14. That Le Creuset pan is wonderful. WOW!!
    Would a US address work?
    If yes, then I'd be happy to be considered!
    Merry Christmas & happy holidays!


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