Friday, December 18, 2009

I'm Spending My Birthday With Pierre Herme At Laduree!

Yep, you heard it's my birthday today and I am spending it with one of my favorite people, Pierre Herme at one of my favorite places...Laduree in Paris!  Well,  not exactly, Pierre was unexpectedly called out of town but told me I could come over and pick out a cake..Hmmm.

..or two

... or some chocolates?

... with perhaps a bottle of Chateau d'Yquem??!

a cube of macarons?

...or a box of macarons!!!!

... or just a yummy rum millefeuille!!!

... or this goodie box in violette!!!

... or vert et argent?

But instead, how about...

just Lucy and me...

...and breakfast in bed!!!!!

My sous chef and I have decided that in honor of this event, we will take the day off and see you next Monday!

Photos from the Laduree and Pierre Herme catalogues (except the sous chef!)

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