Monday, October 5, 2015

Where There's A Will, There's A Fall Front Door

You didn't think that back surgery was going to keep Lindaraxa from having her Fall decorations up this year, did you? If you did, you don't know her very well....

I have gotten to really enjoy those little electric carts that they have at some stores for shoppers with disability, although I have to say that what I see mostly riding them are really overweight people. Sometimes you see two, one on each cart of course, following the other.  People like my mother, who really need them, for some reason refuse to use them.  I think it's their way of fighting back although once she came to live with us she tossed in the towel.  As for me, if that is the only thing standing between me and my mums, I don't care.   They are really a good device for getting people like me to do what they have to do.

These are really more of an orange than yellow

I'm telling you this because I'm sure you are wondering how I got the mums.  Between us chickens, I sneaked out of the house one afternoon when I heard Costco had them and made up some cockamamie excuse as to how they got to the front door. And part of it is true, for I am lucky to live in an area of the country where gentlemen still open doors for you and bend over backwards when you ask for a little help,  I usually pick a really cute one, particularly when I'm shopping for electronic gadgets or a Christmas sweater for my son and it drives my daughter insane.  Anyway, the mums got here and the new wreath was brought in by the Three Kings.  Now, I have to figure out the pumpkins...

Once I can get a good samaritan to move the fern and the ivy to MM's apt. I will rearrange with a pumpkin or two

Once the mums are done, I have orange pansies in the urn which, with the pumpkins, should carry us through Thanksgiving.  That's as far ahead as I can think right now.


  1. Glad to see you back in the swing of things for a bit of tarting up of the front door. The wreath certainly looks season-ready which has, no-doubt, got you thinking of appropriate autumnal menus too. Ah, bring on the butternut squash soup!

    1. I wouldn't miss my favorite season for anything in the world1

  2. Despite all obstacles, you are welcoming the season in style. The colors of your flowers and wreath additionally all go well with the brickwork.

    1. Brickwork is hard to decorate around, believe it or not. That's why I got those orange mums otherwise my favorite red ones don't stand out. Same with the wreath, you can see it a mile away!

  3. Looks fine Dahlin'. Pumpkins from the farm or grocery store? Farm about fifty. Grocery store five. Grocery store cart. Farm wheel barrow. Never could balance those three wheelers. City girl after all.

    1. No pumpkin is worth fifty dollars in my book. Christy paid $37 last year at the farm and I could have killed her!

    2. so glad to see your feeling better, use an form of assistive technology you can utilize! why not? you'll be back to your own feisty self in no time.

    3. The problem is I am really liking this new assistive technology. It will be hard to give it up!

  4. Glad to have you back. I don't know how I missed this post earlier. I try to make a point of reading all of yours. Yes, southern gentlemen sure come in handy. And as for the carts, you are right on regarding who uses them and who doesn't (and probably need to). Your fall decorations are as pretty as I've seen. Hope you continue to improve. I've missed you.

    1. I have missed you too. It's funny these "virtual" relationships and friendships we make through blogging. Sometimes they are closer than those we have with "real" friends. The progress is slow. The bad, bad pain is gone and happily need less pain medication. But im very tired and lethargic and want to do nothing else but sleep. Although I get my burts of energy once in awhile. (the pumpkin magically made it to the front door a couple of days ago!)


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