Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Easter Menus

It seems that Easter in this house is to be postponed again this year.  The culprit...the kitchen, of course.  We are planning a trip to Dahlonega on Easter Sunday where there is a beautiful Catholic church my daughter has been wanting to show me.  I will miss having Easter at home,  it is one of my favorite holidays foodwise and tulipwise; and of course,  I will miss the grandchildren and all the mess in the kitchen decorating the Easter eggs.  I will always treasure the year they stayed with us while their parents were away on a trip.

Here are some menus including the very first one I posted right after I started the blog.  I hope you get inspired!

My grandson Ben Easter 2012

Filled baskets while Nani weeds!

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#3,5,6 Martha Stewart
last three photos Lindaraxa



  1. Since your kitchen is not ready, a trip to Dahlonega should make a good consolation prize. I first learned of its gold rush days when I collected coins in elementary school (unfortunately I have no Dahlonega ones). By an odd coincidence, I even found a book about the history of Dahlonega in a used bookstore in Taiwan, which fueled my desire to visit there one day.

    Have a happy holiday wherever you spend it.

    1. I not only live less than 30 miles from Dahlonega, I can't spell it! and I go by the sign everyday. Anyway, come on down, we'll visit together!

  2. Yum, that ham looks scrumptious. Sorry about your kitchen, but you'll have a nice time in Dahlonega. It's a pretty place to spend Easter.

    1. I'm actually looking forward to it. I hear that church is beautiful. Happy Easter!

  3. I miss tulips! Have not seen them here, so I presume they can't be grown, and importing them would be too expensive for the market. Shall just have to make do with the ubiquitous orchid. Well, I suppose that's not a bad alternative really! The phalaenopsis fully bloomed (10) on Sunday, but the first one has now been removed, but it's still looking good with 9 blooms.

    1. 9 blooms and off with their heads! Columnist, you ARE spoiled. The magentas I had up on the blog look fuller than when I posted on them while the whites have lost half their flowers but still shooting new buds. I tell you, it's the light. It's the East window they love!

  4. Your grandchildren: oh my, they're so grown up!! What cuties for a lucky lady!
    Happy Easter Julieta!

  5. Thank you. that was a couple of years ago. Ben, will be four this summer, Taylor six. Time does fly when it comes to grandchildren!. I am getting another in late May. Whoooopee!

  6. Wishing you and yours a happy Easter, m'dear. I'm reading one of the lessons today, which I am honored to have been asked to. Then we're home to Darlington for a supper of roasted lamb, asparagus, and new potatoes. Oh, and a lemon tart, too!

    1. Happy Easter to you too, dearest Reg! your menu sounds delightful. What an honor to read one of the lessons for Easter Sunday. That doesn't happen to everyone. MD would be very proud. Please give our best to Boy and the little one from the Sous Chef and moi.


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