Sunday, March 30, 2014

The View From The Top Of The Stairs By The Sous Chef

They think I'm asleep...Ha!

Yo! this is Lucy Westie, Sous Chef of Lindaraxa. Head of Security Services and Cuddler Par Excellence.

I've been sent to entertain you, seeing that we don't have a kitchen this week.  My two legged sister has decided to do some reno..something and put in a new back splash and countertop, as well as some lights.  She's been watching HGTV.  Boy does she love that channel.  At first I thought we were moving, AGAIN.  Seeing all those boxes and packing material sent me into a tizzy.  I rushed upstairs and told Lily and she went into a tizzy too.  After a couple of days we finally calmed down.  I had all my coats and collars packed.  All for nothing.  Just a reno-something.  Stupid word..

Best spot in the house....and best view of the kitchen

I was going to post my favorite recipe, steak!  but Mom thought it would be more entertaining if I told you about Coco and me.  What's so intereting about that?! We eat, we sleep, we poop and then do the same all over again.

For Mom's sake, and her frail heart condition (sure), I've decided to play along and behave.  Yes, I have let it be known that I'm not thrilled with the idea of cohabitating with a c-a-t (I can't even say the word) by marking my spot all over the house.  This sends Mom and Sis into a tizzy.  I don't understand why. They mark every day, at least three times a day.  It's called a toilet! Anyway, they took me to the vet.  Mom told the lady in the white coat I must have an infection.  They had the audacity to weigh me first.  WHY?! why do people in white coats always want to know how much you weigh.  Mom says they do the same to her and she gets mortified.  What's mortified? Anyway, then they took me in the back and did unmentionable things to me.  UNMENTIONABLE! I heard something about having to stay overnight.  Mom nearly lost it.  She and I have never spent a night away from each other.  Except when she travels and then I stay with my sister.  I love that.  So they gave me pills.  One day Mom took one by mistake.  She's useless before her coffee.

Did I hear chopping on the wood board???

Anyway, aside from the kitchen being a disaster, nothing interesting is going on in the backyard.  No flowers, nothing.  It's cold, really cold.  Mom hasn't even switched my winter collar to my pretty Spring Kate Spade.  I heard Mom moaning over her burnt gardenias.  Her prize gardenias.  She says there's a chance they'll come back.  I doubt it.  They're deader than a door nail.  I do hope for all our her sakes they come back.  Mom will be devastated. 

Mom says you might want to hear about that moronic cat Coco.  No one calls her Coco.  I don't know why they gave her that silly name.  They call her kitty.  Kitty this, kitty that.  They've spoiled the name for me.  I used to bloom when I heard the word.  Ears up, well at least one of them, tail on alert, point and dash.  Now it's just another word.  I don't even trust squirrel.  What if they bring one inside.  Kitty Coco is  okay sometimes.  She lets me chase her for a bit out in the yard but then she spoils it by climbing up a tree.  Not fair.  That'd be cheating in my book.  Only good thing about her is she starts meowing for her food every day at four o'clock.  I didn't know cats had alarms in them.   Cool!  Now we puppies get fed earlier. I gobble mine up but my sister Lily refuses to eat at such an undignified hour.   Silly girl, more for me.

Don't let this picture fool you...I was just too lazy to move

Maybe they come tomorrow to finish the kitchen.  Maybe not.  Maybe.  Maybe not.  Mom doesn't seem to mind.  She's taking a break from cooking.  My two legged sister is going bonkers.  She's never done a reno....whatever.  She thinks they go according to plan.  Ha! I've been through one with Mom and believe me, it wasn't pretty.  Mom wasn't pretty.  She turned into a monster at the end.  One day I thought the men in white coats were going to come and take her away.

So we wait and don't cook.  No recipes.  Not today.  Sorry.....



  1. This is so darling, I love your doggie! I am making your broccoli tahini salad and your pork, pineapple and pepper skewers for Sunday dinner. Thank you so much for both of these recipes.


    1. You go girl! Can I pick them or what?!

  2. Lucy I understand how you feel - it's the terrier in you, there's no denying that terrier blood - but I think Coco would like to be friends with you. Just look how close gets to share your spot at the stairs, when everybody knows cats can choose anywhere to sleep.
    I hope the reno-thing goes smoothly and your mom enjoys her break from cooking. Even great cooks need a break now and then.

    1. So glad to know some of my readers understand the heart and soul of a Westie. Yep, I know she tries, though I hate it when she tries to snuggle up to me. That is really off limits. Yuck!

  3. Lucy i hope you are okay now....
    And that reno thing go`s smoothly.
    Say hi to you mom from me
    Hug for you dear friend.

    1. Hi Jeanne, friend from across the pond. If this keeps up, I may have to come and hide in your magical world!

  4. Lucy, I know how you feel about the kitty. It's not fair when they climb up a tree when you chase them is it. No, not fair at all. But I agree with Carol. I think she is trying to be your friend. I'm sorry to hear you had to go to the doctor. Believe me, I don't like to go to the doctor either and I sure don't want to hear anything about spending the night. Pills are a much better alternative than spending the night.

    I hope your reno-thing is completed soon and life in your house returns to normal. In the meantime, just rest up, relax and enjoy being a "lady of leisure."

    1. Lady of leisure? I've got the best role model...Mom! You think she works so hard? Guess who does all the work around here? Le Sous Chef!!!

      Mom says they are putting you back together. U feeling better? Licks and cuddles for you!!

    2. Lucy, sometimes they have to break you down to put you back together. Merci beaucoup for sending licks and cuddles, I'll take all of those I can get, especially from one as adorable as you. I hope your kitchen is back to normal soon and thanks again for caring.

  5. Oh Lucy. Oh Lucy…..I wish I lived closer and could come and visit and play and bring you treats and let you know you are my favorite Westie! I am so sorry about your doctor visit: not fun indeed, but it's over, right? Stay away from the kitchen and reno and you'll be ok! Let us know when it's all finished. Lots of hugs and kisses to the Sous Chef!

    1. Aunt Libby! Hi! I too wish you lived closer so I could come for an overnight with you and Uncle Peter. You guys are so nice. You really deserve a Westie! These two...not so much.

      The reno thinghie is almost finished. Boy what a mess it's been. There were strange men here until 10 last night. Mom even fed them so they would finish. Please come and visit soon. You bring such nice treats! xxoo Lucy

      P.S. It's not necessary to bring treats for the c-a-t.

  6. Ha! you would love the carpet with paw prints on it that I saw in an English eccentric's house ( he had carpet with his wife's footprints -- when she left he did the dog!!).

    Hope you get through reno... yikes it's stressful for man and beast!!

    1. Hmmm...what an interesting idea. Maybe they'll come out with a carpet in a pipi stain print. That way nobody could tell the difference!


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