Friday, January 31, 2014

Roasted Red Pepper Hummus

For those of you out there who shudder at the amount of calories that will be consumed this Sunday at Super Bowl parties all over the nation, here's a healthy and fun alternative.  It may not fly with the "real men don't eat quiche" crowd but it will with those of us who are more riske in our tastes.

I must confess I was not a hummus lover for many years until one day one of my daughter's friends, a man, brought us some homemade pita chips and a container of the Sabra Roasted Red Pepper hummus.  I couldn't stop eating it and I couldn't stop buying it until I got myself sick of it.  So I gave it a rest and went instead after the pine nut hummus.  Not as addictive, but good.
Recently I saw this recipe and wondered what a real roasted red pepper hummus would taste like if it were made from scratch.  Would it be as good as the one I first tried and was addicted to or would it be like trying to make M&Ms at home?  My adventurous spirit eventually took over, if only for the chance of sharing my thoughts on this blog.  It was slightly different, but really, really good.  I must confess that I used ready made roasted peppers.  Next time around I will roast a fresh red pepper but I like to make them on the grill and it's too dammed cold.  Plus I was lazy.

If you are going to a Super Bowl party this weekend, bring some of this with pita bread or chips and an assortment of raw vegetables.  Not only will you be different, it will be most appreciated.  Let someone else bring the Buffalo Wild Wings! 

For more traditional menus and recipes for Super Bowl parties that I have posted in the past go here.

By the way, children, for some reason, love hummus  (way to go little people!).  It is one of the few healthy foods my 3 year old grandson will eat although, much to my surprise,  I have seen him pop cucumber slices in his mouth.  When I bring both of them home for an overnight I hummus them to death.

The recipe below can almost be made with your eyes closed.  Just pop everything in the food processor and let 'er rip.   Smoked sweet paprika is pimenton.  Tahini (sesame seed paste) can be found in regular supermarkets.  If you can't find it, just ask.  Heaven knows where they put it.  I found mine in the Jewish section by accident, although it makes sense by default. The other day I found pine nuts in the Chinese food area.  (@#&^*!!

I am sure some of my daughter's  friends will show up to watch the game on Sunday and I will be ready with a delicious and healthy hors d'oeuvre.  All I will need then are the ribs, beans, potato salad, chocolate brownies, beer...Never mind, I am sure someone will bring plenty of that!


  • 2 cans (each 15 oz.) chickpeas, drained and rinsed
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 red bell pepper, roasted, peeled, seeded and roughly chopped
  • 2 Tbs. fresh lemon juice
  • 1/4 cup tahini
  • 1 tsp. smoked sweet paprika
  • 1/4 tsp. toasted ground cumin seed
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • Kosher salt, to taste
  • Pita bread or pita chips and crudités for serving


In a food processor, combine the chickpeas, garlic, bell pepper, lemon juice, tahini, paprika and cumin and pulse until the mixture just comes together. With the processor running, slowly pour in the olive oil until incorporated. Season with salt. Serve with pita bread or pita chips and crudités for dipping. Makes about 3 cups.  Decorate with chopped pimentos on top.

Some recipe have you combine the tahini and garlic in the food processor first and then add the rest of the ingredients.  They claim this makes the hummus smoother .  I leave it up to you/

Adapted from Williams-Sonoma Kitchen.

 All photos Lindaraxa


  1. When I was home last summer, we also went through a hummus phase, trying every brand and variety, although we never got to the point of making our own--a project for next time. I remember we definitely preferred the ones in which you could really taste the lemon/acid. I also think a grind of black pepper would not be amiss.

    1. I did add a couple of grinds of black pepper. Like you, I also thought I would play with the lemon juice next time.

  2. Linda, do you roast the red peppers and then fix them estillo espanol? delicious..
    if you love roasted red bells.....Sel

    1. The recipe calls for roasted red peppers, period. I used the ones in a can from Vigo and added some of the oil that came with it.

    2. yes, i understand....just a comment about the aji rojo estillo espanol....

  3. As always, wonderful and interesting recipes. I've pinned this one too !!


  4. I am. like you were, addicted to Sabra hummus. I almost always have acontainer of it in the refrigerator. Late at night, when noone is looking, I sometimes even it it with a spoon, directly out of the container.


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