Saturday, December 14, 2013

Coco's First Christmas Tree

We had just finished putting up the Christmas tree when Coco decided that this was a tree she could nap under.

Needless to say, the Sous Chef was not pleased,  particularly since the spot Coco had chosen was right under her favorite ornament....the white teddy bear!

Years ago, right from the time she first saw it, Lucy decided that the white teddy bear ornament was her toy.  Every year we find the teddy bear on the floor.  Every year we move it and down it comes again, and again.  We don't want to put it up too high for fear she will jump right into the tree to get it.  If you don't believe me you don't know the mind of a terrier...especially a Westie. 

Coco, on the other hand has spotted the white doves and the owl up top but can't decide how to tackle the climb.  Too many ornaments luckily stand between her and the bird.  

Think I'm kidding?

That's her up top coming down

My heart stood still when I spotted her yesterday, again circling the tree, with her eyes fixated on that owl.  Bad idea but too late to take down.  Luckily, she decided to take a nap instead.  Another disaster averted...for now.

There must be a way...Sleepy


Dead to the world

I wonder how much Purina would pay for this shot

Between now and Christmas I will be posting more often than I normally do.   Those of you who read my blog with coffee on Sunday mornings will find postings during the week instead, as Lindaraxa also has a social life,of sorts, and will be busy as a bee during the holidays.

Tomorrow I take my five year old granddaughter and her teddy bear, Flora, to a Christmas Teddy Bear Tea  at Callanwolde in Atlanta.  Callanwolde is a magnificent Gothic Tudor house and the former home of the Candler family, founders of Coca Cola.  It is now a fine arts center.  Every year the house is decorated for Christmas and there are lots of holiday events including this sit down tea and visit with Santa.  I can't wait and will definitely post about it.


There are lots of Christmas recipes and menus on the blog so check out the Master list or do a search.  You know the drill.

All photos Lindaraxa


  1. Beautiful tree, and sweet tale about the cat and its habits. The fire truck is an amusing idea!

  2. The adorable teddy bear on your tree was the first thing I spotted. No wonder the sous chef likes the teddy. We love teddy bears at our house and have quite a collection. How fun to be taking your granddaughter to a teddy bear tea at the Candler home. It will be a moment she will remember all of her life.

    Speaking of cats and Christmas trees, we had two Siamese cats years ago and my FIL sent us a wok and all of the Chinese spices to go with it for a Christmas present. While we were at work, our cats opened the packages with the Chinese spices and they were all over the floor when we returned home. We had to laugh to keep from crying :) You never know what cats have on their minds.

  3. I am just learning about cats and until now had never had one. This one can open anything she puts her mind to. I attributed it to all the time she spent as a stray hunting for food. It's a steep learning curve for me but lots of fun. They are smart and very, very wise. I can see it from the way she handles the Sous Chef.

    The tea party was so much fun and she loved it. They do a fabulous job at Callanwolde.


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