Saturday, December 21, 2013

Christmas Lunch...Maybe

Last year, on December 21, I had planned a dinner party for neighbors and friends that I had to cancel at the last minute.  Remember the flu from hell? Of course you do, I told you about it again and again since it lasted for close to six weeks.  That time I sent the ducks and some of the hors d'oeuvres in baskets to the neighbors together with some wine.  I was so terribly sorry.

This year, on the same date, it is not the flu but the weather that is between me and my luncheon.   There is a terrible storm forecasted for the area with downpours and flooding.  My son has already called and alerted me that he is not going to risk the life of his family for a luncheon in this weather.  He can get pretty dramatic when it comes to his loved ones.  I don't blame him, neither would I.  We will know for sure in the morning but I have my misgivings.

The table has already been set and some things baked but a lot can be saved for another day.  Thank heavens we live in an era were most everything can be frozen.  My daughter and I have been thinking of inviting the next door neighbors if the weather is really bad.  Wouldn't that be a hoot! Saturn must be in retrograde.  I am only thinking of Madame Mere's fabulous Ile Flotante which I made this morning and serves 14.  Just the thought of that temptation sitting in the refrigerator makes me seriously consider inviting  the firemen of our little town whom I'm sure would appreciate a hearty meal.  Just the thought of it makes my day.

Luckily I am having the same number of people for Christmas day so the table can remain as is.  One less thing to worry about.  At least there are no flowers to consider.


Next year, if you hear I'm having a Christmas Party on December 21st,  PLEASE SHOOT ME! or remind me:

But, Mousie, thou art no thy lane [you aren't alone]
In proving foresight may be vain:
The best laid schemes o' mice an' men
Gang aft a-gley, [often go awry]
An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain,
For promised joy.

All photos Lindaraxa


  1. Well, I'm going to pretend that I'm a guest and enjoy your beautiful table and the gorgeous way you've decorated the room. I really hate that the Ile Flotante might go to waste though.

    A similar situation always happened the weekend good friends of ours had their Christmas party in the islands. A Norther always blew through that very night, leaving the seas and winds in terrible shape, and boating to their house was out of the question. Once they hired the ferry boat and it picked us up at our respective docks and we could drink and party through the night while the ferry boat captain enjoyed his Coke. It was the best party they ever had.

    1. Some of us never learn. I stopped having 4th of July BBQ's when I was stuck with 100 people inside the house eating ribs and beans out of paper plates! All I could think of was those tiny little beans stuck on the carpet all over the place. Never again! One really has to have a good sense of humor and chuck it off like your friends have done. Damn the torpedoes!

  2. What? A bit of rain keeps your son away from this table of perfection? I'd gladly drive hours in a downpour to dine with you m'dear! But, of course, I SHALL be dining with you (in spirit at least) when I tuck into your rib roast and Yorkshire pudding on Christmas Day at Darlington House (do take a gander at my current post, which sings your praises...). Ever so, Reggie

    1. That's exactly what my daughter in law's grandmother said when she heard about it!

      I'm coming over to your site as soon as I finish the dishes. They all came and it did happen, though I didn't find out until 10 o clock this morning. Talk about last minute preparations....

  3. Memphis' rain on Saturday evening is with you still on Sunday morning in the Atlanta area. I'm at ATL with visions of sugar plums -- and palm trees -- in my head.

    1. Memphis got a lot of stuff last night according to my nephew. That's what made me think the whole thing was off. But it did happen...

      Have a good time in MIA!

    2. Memphis got a lot of stuff last night according to my nephew. That's what made me think the whole thing was off. But it did happen...

      Have a good time in MIA!

  4. I can imagine the level of disappointment when a Lindaraxa party has to be canceled. Sometimes impromptu, substitute parties can be the most fun and memorable. I had to make dinner for eight with no preparation yesterday. It was vegetable soup and spaghetti (no one has yet guessed the secret ingredient in the sauce), but we all had a great time.

    Let me add to my previous holiday greetings one for good weather!

    1. Last minute parties are the best. No stress, no wild expectations. Whatever happens, happens and it's usually perfect. This one turned out to be last minute as I didn't find out they were coming until 10 this am. Luckily a lot had been done already. Merry Christmas to you dear friend.

  5. Here in Toronto we had a terrible ice storm and 300,000 are without power. We were without for 13 hours and I had to cancel my family party for the first time that I can remember. It's just a disaster out there and lots of wind forecast for tonight, so many limbs may still come down. It might be 3-7 days before all is restored. We are supposed to drive to Ottawa on Boxing Day! And I'm sick with worse cold ever! But I must say, your dining room is beautiful. Merry Christmas.

    1. I sounds like you are having a combination of my last two December 21st parties. Heard about the ice storm and all those without power. A real bummer, particularly on Christmas. So sorry to hear you are not well. Take care and Merry Xmas. You still have 3 days...

  6. Love the Herend plates!!! I have the dessert and demi-tasse and just love them! Through all these years they have retained their charm, n'est-ce pas?

    1. This was my first set of china and I must admit they are very versatile. They look great in every season. Although I don't have the demi tasse I do have the tea cups and they are great looking. Merry Christmas to you and Peter.

  7. Your dining room is elegantly inviting! May we assume that Madame Mere's Ile Flotante was served to a grateful throng?

    1. It was to rave reviews, as usual. Merry Christmas to you dear Toby. At least this year we won't have to exchange reviews on our respective flus!

  8. I am reading your post rather late, but I have to comment on the beauty of your table and dining room. It is soothing my soul, because this year we didn't even get a Xmas tree up, nor did I get a single present wrapped. Heck, I was just glad to have a few gifts to give. But...never again. Next year we celebrate in style. Meanwhile, I am living vicariously through you. Your decor is so lovely, so classy!


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