Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanksgiving Table 2013

Of all the chinas I have, this is the one I use the most.  I purchased it on one of my trips to France at the factory in Gien.  It is Madame Mere's favorite and it has slowly become mine.  It is not my fanciest or most expensive.  On the contrary it is quite casual but a lot of fun to plan around.  Perhaps it is because I like to entertain in the Fall and have used it not only for Thanksgiving and Halloween dinner parties but also for many lunches.  The dessert (and bread plates) have a small red pepper, shallot, onion or chili in the middle and I usually put them on top when I am serving soup or a first course.  They fill the void in the middle of the dinner plate.  This time I decided to keep it simple although I must admit I like the place setting better the other way.   The pumpkins were a steal at Michael's a couple of weeks ago.  I shouldn't tell you that considering where they sit but that is the fun of planning tables, mixing the good things with the not so good.

The children's places are marked with a couple of felt turkeys and you will notice there are no napkins on their places.  You know what kind they are getting, but only at the last minute.  Little silver spoons and forks, so they get to appreciate the good stuff from an early age.

Before anyone tells me, I know I have to hide that chord. 

The buffet table is ready for the service pieces. 

I think Coco has decided to stay
 Meanwhile, back in the kitchen

The stock was made and reduced

twice (I do what I preach)

And placed in the refrigerator

Basil in olive oil waiting to go into freezer.  When frozen, the cubes will be put in plastic bags to save room.

This last chore is not part of the Thanksgiving prep, but it's freezing here with snow expected tonight and I had to bring everything in.  Not something I needed this week!  Tomorrow is sides and pies.  Oh, and I am making the chocolate pecan pie.  There's another couple coming for dessert, just the excuse I needed.

This will be my last post until later this weekend so have a Happy Thanksgiving and remember....don't sweat the small stuff!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you sportsman. A little different from the original get together. At least I didn't have to go out and shoot a turkey. Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you! Love those dishes. I think Gien has the most beautiful tableware! And it's so fun!!!! I have some dessert pieces in the blue and white with fruit in the middle. A STEAL at Tuesday Morning (twice -- I returned the first ones I bought and then was so mad at myself . . . low and behold, I found them AGAIN!)

    I love the elegance of your table and your dining room. Dining rooms, I think SHOULD be elegant!
    Especially for Thanksgiving!

    1. I agree Martha but I would add that a dining room should be used often to give it soul! Happy TG

    2. I agree -- a room without use is a room without soul!

  3. What an elegant dining room and your table looks so pretty and festive. You have some really lovely pieces. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

    1. Thank you Sam, I appreciate your kind words and comments. So happy I found you. Have a wonderful TG!

  4. Your table and dining room look beautiful and ready for the holiday. Your walls look like they were painted with Thanksgiving in mind. This year I have nothing special going on, but I found some cranberry steamed buns, and plan to make some wild rice ( a favorite of mine, anyway).

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

    1. I change the paint depending on the holiday. Wait til you see the one for Christmas! No, really I love the color although it doesnt photograph true above. One of these holidays you are going to have to come by. I feel so sorry for you stranded out there in the East. This particular one must be a hard one to cook.

      Have a Happy TG dear Jim!

  5. It all looks lovely! I have not used the battery operated picture lights for any of my projects because the construction, even if it is a renovation, is of a big enough scope to justify providing clock (recessed) outlets; you might look into it, though. If you have an unfinished basement, it would be easy to fish the wire.
    But enough about electricity! I know the food will be even better than the decor! Best wishes
    _ JT

    1. John, I tried those battery operated lights a few years ago and they were horrible. the battery did not last long enough. Yes, this light I know will be easy, have been waiting for a bigger project to get this done as most electricians won't bother to come for such a small project. We are redoing the kitchen and that is really what i'm waiting for. Just finished 6 hours of cooking@ Have a happy TG!

  6. Absolutely gorgeous, and wonderfully festive and autumnal! I am sure that it will be a lovely party, and my only wish (other than my wishes for happiness for you and your loved ones) is that Boy and I were there with you, to share in all the delicious fun! Happy Thanksgiving, m'dear!

    1. Darling one,

      Wouldn't that be wonderful. I can just see thr post, Lindaraxa Cooks at Darlington House! one of these days...Happy TG to you and dear Boy and little Basil and licks from the Sous Chef.

  7. Beautiful table. I am going to friends for Thanksgiving and am only making my favorite pumpkin rolls to the event. Sometimes it's nice to be able to enjoy other people's cooking.

    1. Dear Deana,

      Indeed. I spent the last two TGs moving and travelling. Looking forward to one at home. Happy Thanksgiving, dear friend.

  8. I bought the very same pumpkins at my Michael's and they were indeed a steal. Your table looks magnificent and I know everyone must have enjoyed their meal. We spent Thanksgiving at our friends' home. It was nice having only the pies to prepare.

    1. After this year, I decided that's the way to friends!


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