Saturday, December 22, 2012

A Bittersweet Christmas Eve...The 2012 Menu

This year Christmas will be a low key affair at Lindaraxa's. Madame Mere, the glue that binds this family together, won't be coming up for the holidays as travelling during Christmas has become too much for her. Getting on a plane these days is a major production and older people simply get overwhelmed.  Sh*t, I get overwhelmed and I used to travel quite a lot in my day.

I will be spending Christmas Eve at my son's house and staying overnight so I can share in my grandchildren's joy when they come down in the morning and see all the presents under the tree. I don't want to miss a thing, especially this year.  After all, kids are so precocious these days I wonder how long before they find out who the real Santa is. I will feel extremely lucky if we get a couple of years under our belt.

Yes, I will miss having the big dinner for the family, that I can't deny; but I look forward to the new era when I, as a grandmother, get to go over to my children's home to be entertained. We'll see how long that lasts,...perhaps as long as Santa.  Besides, after the recent events I would travel til the ends of the earth to spend this special evening with them.  It's all about the children this year and that's the way it should be. 

On the other hand, I would not miss a Christmas Eve dinner for the world and I will be having it tomorrow for close friends, my daughter and the dogs.  The invitation has gone out for Christmas Sunday Dinner and it will be very low key, although a little champagne never hurts.

Since it's a small group I am going to indulge in duck, something I usually save for New Year's Eve.  What is non negotiable, ever, is the chestnut soup, a tradition now for many years and a favorite of my brother's.  (If you are reading this, I am saving some chestnuts for when I see you next week!).

Have a Merry Christmas, don't sweat the small stuff, and give the little ones two extra hugs.  My prayers and thoughts are with the families of the children and teachers of Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.

Christmas Eve Dinner 2012

Cocktail Cheese Biscuits
Christmas Bar Nuts
 Cream of Chestnut Soup
 Roast Duck A l'Orange
Wild Rice with Cranberries and Toasted Pecans
Petit Pois and Roasted Small Onions
Ginger Cake With Orange Sabayon
Spanish Turrones

Photo via Habitually Chic


  1. A classic menu and I wish I was going to be at table

  2. The elegant menu you have chosen can only enhance your family celebration. I made the cream of chestnut soup that you posted a while ago, and it was delicious--definitely with creating a tradition with. In my next burst of energy I am hoping to try the cheese biscuits.

    A merry Christmas to you, too.

    --Road to Parnassus

    1. Wow my chestnut soup in Taiwan! When you make the cheese biscuits make plenty. I can't keep them around. Merry Christmas!

  3. Happy Holidays, and thank you for all your inspirational recipes over the past year. I look forward to many more!

  4. Thank you Carol. You always leave such nice comments. Merry Christmas to you too!

  5. Julieta, that menu is to die for! I know how elegant, delicious and beautiful it will all be.
    Thank you for a year of inspiring dishes,and of course, your friendship.
    Merry christmas to you and yours and the very best for 2013.

  6. You're right, Julieta. Don't sweat the small stuff, indeed. We all have to consider the Big Picture.

  7. Merry Christmas Juliette...
    Delicious menu you have chosen.
    Hope your day`s are filled with lovely moments
    And the very best for 2013


  8. Happy New Year Julietta and thanks for keeping us all in ideas!


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