Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving Etiquette...You All Behave!

Something worth remembering every year.  Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

It's that time of the year again...The Family Dinner From Hell.

This is the time when family grudges are aired in anticipation of forgiveness and peace by the time the Christmas holidays come around.

Here are a few tips for hostesses, family members and guests to make the holiday a pleasant one for all involved:


Dress appropriately, watch your language, arrive on time and keep your elbows off the table!

Try a little of everything and praise what is laid on your plate even if its burned or raw.  Thank your lucky stars you are having a warm meal that someone else cooked for you!

Don't get mesmerized by the football game.  Socialize, talk to others outside your group or family and help your hostess by offering to fix drinks or pass the appetizers.  She will be most grateful.

Talk to the old people. They appreciate every nice gesture we throw their way.

Turn your damn i-phone off and, by all means, don't even consider bringing it to the table!  Texting is NOT an alternative.  Make this sacrifice for world peace...

Stay out of the kitchen. Your hostess is hassled enough without you going in and bombarding her with stories of your last trip to Paris with your new boyfriend.

Don't surprise your hostess with unexpected  "guests of guests".  Call beforehand, make sure it's okay and bring something edible like an extra pie or casserole AND a couple of bottles of wine.

Family Members:

Avoid confrontations, unpleasant surprises and sarcastic comments.  That's all..

Wait!... and serve your little ones before you and everyone else sits down at the table.


Don't try to cook everything at the last minute.  Be calm, cool and collected by the time your first guest arrives.

Your turkey should be out of the oven at least 1/2 hour before guests arrive and kept warm by tenting it.  Everything should be done by the time the doorbell rings... that includes the gravy.  1/2 hour before serving, stick your casseroles and dressing or stuffing in the oven for warming.

Spend time with your guests and family, that's what this holiday is all about.

Keep the booze light.  Alcohol has a way of un-inhibiting the inhibited and accentuating delusions...

Don't delay the meal waiting for "halftime".  Serve when you are ready!

At this point it's up to the gods of civility.  What will happen is going to happen... you have done your bit.   Don't sweat the small stuff and have a good time!

Have A Happy Stress-Free Thanksgiving!

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Cartoons from


  1. Happy Thanksgiving Juliette.
    We have no Thanksgiving in the Netherlands.
    But i made pumpkinpie.
    Little bit Thanksgiving here in the house.
    Have a nice time with your loveones.
    Give Lucy a hug from me.

  2. I'm sure that all your grumbling is simply prophylactic, and that Thanksgiving chez Lindaraxa is a red-letter event.

    All of your rules do make a lot of sense. I had Thanksgiving at my house for several years, and always thoroughly enjoyed it. Television was not a problem since I had no cable or reception.

    Thanksgiving was always a fun, relaxed holiday, and is one of the times I really miss being away from Ohio.
    --Road to Parnassus

  3. Ah are one of my oldest and most loyal subscribers. Thank you.

    I am making the pumpkin pie from scratch right now. Thanksgiving wouldn't be the same without it. Hope you enjoy yours as much as I will enjoy mine.

    Lucy sends wet licks back to you!

  4. Parnasus

    Trust me, through the years I have had to address all kinds of circumstances. Though tongue in cheek, the "rules" come by from experience. Regardless it is my favorite dinner of the entire year and I cook and serve it with great pleasure!

  5. This is a wonderful post! I'm going to forward this to several friends. I especially like your comment about texting at the table. Love your blog!! Always a treat.
    A new fan, Sally ( in Houston )

  6. Hi Sally,

    Thank you and welcome to my blog.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving. This entry is a great moment before I'm off to dinner, and the turkey cartoon is great.

  8. Great post - but i would add a few things.

    Since many Thanksgiving dinners are potluck, I would advise the cooks to keep their offerings pretty close to the family's traditional recipes. Even the most adventurous tasters like the tried and true favorites on this day. To the eaters I would advise trying something different if it does show up. These dishes are usually made by the family newcomer therefore, having a taste is a vote of confidence.
    Hostesses, if an untried cook is bringing a dish, please fight the urge to make that same dish "just in case" the guests do not like her/his version. I have seen this at various times with various families. I know it seems accomodating, but in reality, it's rude.


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