Sunday, October 7, 2012

New York Strip Steaks With Mushrooms in a Sherry Beef Reduction

I don't spend too much time at the grocery store these days.  Everything has gotten so expensive it is no longer the fun experience it used to be in the past.   I just go with my list, concentrate on what I need, and do not dilly dally in the aisles.  The other day, though, something caught my eye as I was skating through the soup aisle and I ended up picking up a box of Swanson's Flavor Boost (Beef).  It reminded me of something my mother used to get in the old days from Canada called OXO to boost sauces. I have used it twice since that day.  Once in the Braised Short Ribs with Polenta I cooked last week for guest and tonight in a mushroom sauce I made to accompany  New York Strip steaks.  The flavor was unsurpassed.  I highly recommend you pick up some.

Knorr makes something similar and I will try theirs next. 

Here is what i did.

Grill your steaks as you would normally do.  I usually just marinade them in some Worcestershire Sauce and sprinkle sea salt. Mine were about an inch and a half thick.  On hot coals,  cook 5 minutes on one side, same on the other, then two minutes on both sides and out of the grill.  Rest for 10 minutes.  In the meantime cook your mushrooms.

Mushrooms in a Sherry Beef Reduction


1 small box of regular mushrooms sliced
2 TB butter
1 Tb. olive oil
3 garlic cloves smashed and minced
2 TB. minced shallots
1 big splash of Dry Sherry
1 envelope Swanson's Beef Flavor Boost
1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley


Heat your skillet on medium high.  Melt butter and olive oil, add the garlic and. cook for a couple of minutes.  Do not let it burn .  Add the mushrooms and brown for about 3 minutes. Add the shallots and cook for another minute or so.  Add a big splash of dry Sherry, about 1/2 cup, and reduce.  Add one envelope of the beef stock reduction and cook for about a minute until everything looks caramelized.  Add the chopped parsley and off the stove.  Keep warm while the steaks rest.  Pour over the steaks and enjoy! I served with small sauteed  golden potatoes.

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