Monday, September 10, 2012

Night Jasmine

I think I can say with all confidence that I am probably the only person north of Atlanta with a Night Jasmine blooming on her deck.

Night jasmine or Cestrum Nocturnum is not a very attractive plant but the flowers are beautiful and the scent is enchanting.  Once night falls, you can smell it from a block away.

Night Jasmine is indigenous to the West Indies and blooms a few times during the year.  In Cuba we called it Galan the Noche or Gentleman of the Night.  I gave my Mother a plant once for Mothers Day which grew so big she cut it down and replaced it with a rose bush.  I never forgave her.

I  ordered this plant online and it arrived in a sealed box with a couple of leaves dried up.  It was 6 inches tall.  This was a couple of months ago.  Look at it now!  It has even bloomed and the scent is to die for!

See how they open at night? I am not going to put it in the ground this year.  I will leave it outside and when it gets too cold, I will bring it in.  I will sleep with it if I have to!

There is nothing in the world as bewitching as the smell of Night Jasmine.  NOTHING!


  1. I'm not familiar with it. Sounds heavenly!!! Love scented plants!

  2. Looks like a fabulous plant. I need to get one, I love fragrance; it is such an important element in the garden.

  3. I love my night blooming jasmine. I live in Maryland and cart that poor thing in and out of the house with the seasons. By the end of spring it has had it with the dry indoor air. I cut it back with abandon and off it goes to spend the summer months going crazy in our hot humid climate. It is intoxicating to walk past the porch on a sultry July evening. Glad to find that you enjoy your jasmine too. Best,

  4. Pat,

    Seems like you will be having company this year! we'll have to compare notes in the Spring.


    I can give you a cutting when I see you.

    Martha, you would love it. You won't leave the back porch when it's in bloom!

  5. Can you give me the details for ordering the seeds. I would love it on our balconies here, and I think it would survive. Thai customs might get suspicious of seeds through the mail, but I'd have to risk that!

  6. Scratch that...I misread, dried leaves for dried seeds. I'll Google and see what I come up with.

  7. Column,

    I am sure you can find a plant in Thailand. Ask around in the nurseries. Do get one and let me know. I am about to trim mine a little and give it some shape. Make sure you start it in a big container for it will grow like a weed especially there where you don't get frost. Good luck, Tally ho!


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