Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Garden Tour In Atlanta, Part II

The third garden on the 2012 American Hydrangea Society Garden Tour in Atlanta was probably the most mature, having been nurtured and developed over 38 years by its owners.  There are many large hydrangeas including "Tardiva",  "Nikko",  "Endless Summer" "Little Lamb" and "Limelight (I'm just rattling off from the brochure).  Best of all is the fabulous view of the 8th green of the Atlanta Country Club.  No wonder this family has never moved... it's every husband's dream!

Although you will not find many photos of hydrangeas in this last installment, they were all there.  Every single one you might hope to find.  I, however, being the neophyte gardener that I am, was taking it all in and was just enchanted with the layout of the gardens and the beauty of it all.

The path leading to the front of the house with a view of the golf course

 Can you imagine the color in Spring from the azaleas?

Hostas, Gardenias and I think Confederate Jasmine (I'm picking up quickly)

The beautiful climbing New Dawn Rose over the front door, unfortunately not in bloom at the time

Pure simplicity, and very elegant.

The most charming potting shed to be found anywhere

We later learned from the owner that originally this had been her daughter's dollhouse.  The daughter, by the way, lives next door and has an equally, if not more,  impressive  house as her mother.  Wait til you see the inside of this "shed". 

If I had a potting shed like this I could be a good gardener.

Notice the small table and chair for when the little ones come gardening with grandmother

There is a small toilet to the left behind a folding door but I thought it was a bit much to take a photo. I too have my limits.

 The gazebo with the club's pond behind

And if you get tired going from the potting shed to the gazebo, there's a bench!

I thought this was the height of luxury, fans to keep the golfers cool. Was disappointed to hear they are for the grass

See, Sandra thought so too!

We had a wonderful conversation with the owner who joined us in the gazebo for a rest.  That's were we learned about the potting shed and the fans.  A very nice lady, family originally from Chicago.

Oh yes, the hydrangeas, I forgot that's what we came to see....

And then we come to the fourth garden of the six on the tour and the last one for us.  We had talked so much and gotten lost so many times we were just exhausted.  In hindsight,  I wished we had had the stamina to continue, but it was getting pretty hot and we had done quite a bit of up and down walking. 

This small garden, in a quiet neighborhood behind a shopping center, is the perfect example of "where there's a will, there's a way".  Nothing as spectacular as the first three, but full of ideas for people like me

Like planting my clematis bulb around a bird house

This photo is typical of what you might find in Southern Living under "Small Spaces" All it was missing was a pitcher of cold iced tea.

A basket full of herbs on the coffee table with some color gives a charming touch to an outdoors sitting area

Tokyo Delight hydrangea

Here's Sandra and my ongoing education of hydrangeas. 

The best idea of the tour...galvanized cans for storage!

For everything...

Including this. This lady was the epitome of organization.

Old shutters find a place on a brick wall leading to the front door.

And that, my friends, is the end of an exhausting but delightful day.  Boy, I hope I behaved and get invited back next year. I did promise to bring a picnic next time...

All photos Lindaraxa


  1. Lovely garden tour -- thanks for sharing -- I could see the beauty in all the gardens -- the last being my favorite for it is small like Linderhof's garden!

  2. What a good job covering the gardens. I liked the small garden, too, but I missed the garbage cans--darn. Thanks for the posts.

  3. Ah, my neighborhood garden tour is this weekend, haven't decided if I'm going.

    The front door photo really jumped out at me--the door has a kickplate--that seems unusual for a front door to a home. Yes?

  4. Joseph,

    No, a kickplate is very southern in a front door. I have one in mine!


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