Monday, June 11, 2012

A Garden Tour In Atlanta, Part I

If you are going to go on a garden tour here in Atlanta, there is no better companion than my friend Sandra Jonas, the well known garden designer, plant collector and avid gardener who also publishes the blog Recreating Eden.  I know you have heard me mention her in this blog before, mostly in reference to her potager,  but nothing compares to her knowledge of plants and meeting her in person.  She is beautiful, charming, well versed in her craft, and simply a delight to be with on a garden tour or any other occasion.  I liked her the moment I met her.

Last Saturday morning she invited me to join her on the 2012 American Hydrangea Society Tour of some of the member's gardens north of Atlanta.  I was there with bells and whistles, bright eyed and bushy tailed, with banana muffins in hand  for a late morning snack.  Wait 'til you see these gardens!

Now, I must warn you, you know I know piddly squat about plants and gardens. If you want a real tour with all the names and expert commentary, visit Sandra's blog and Pretty Old Houses after you leave mine.

For the photos click below!

We started the morning, at the first of seven gardens in the tour, in the city of Marietta.  This garden has a distinctively Japanese feel to it, beginning with the yatsuhashi  or ziz zag bridge.  The Japanese believe that evil spirits only travel in straight lines so, as you cross the bridge,  you are supposed to leave them behind.  I didn't find that out until later, so unfortunately, mine came along for the tour.  There were not only dozens of different species of hydrangeas as well as eight different species of Japanese maples,  but also beautiful flowers and bushes too complicated for me to rattle on.

Starting the tour

The biggest hosta I have ever seen in my life!



Whatever this is (Sandra reminded me it's St. John's Wort)  had the most elegant bees surrounding it.  Perfectly color coordinated with the bush they were attacking!

This, believe it or not, is a very hardy hibiscus that grows in our area

Exiting the the lanterns!

The second garden was by far my favorite, as you can see from all the photos I took.  Everything about it, the roses, hydrangeas, waterfall, the house, was to die for. I could have stayed there all day...

Loved the entrance...

I must have spent a good 20 minutes just taking it all in

I want a climbing rose like this by our front door!

Beautiful basket hanging from a crepe myrtle by the front

love that green!...although I think the pineapple is de trop...just saying

To the left of the front entrance

The entrance to the back garden

Look at those roses...mine have all gotten yucky from the rain!

We haven't even gotten to the main garden yet!

The pavilion in the garden

This is what we came to see...hydrangeas

You should have seen this waterfall!

And when you get to the top....a whimsical site!

The view of the house from the top cool up there

Back to the main garden..I think this is Jasmine

The most beautiful hydrangea I saw in the whole tour!

Stay tuned for part II!


  1. I can't wait to see the pictures! Sounds like a PERFECT day and Sandra sounds like the perfect garden tour companion.

  2. Thanks so much for sharing the tour pictures...felt
    Iike I was actually there...loved the commentary too! I so enjoy this site and am excited every time that I receive a new posting! Have really enjoyed the recipes as well!!!

  3. Julieta, thank you for joining me on the tour and all the lovely compliments. YOU are the perfect companion.What fun we had!
    Hope to see you soon.
    BTW the shrub the bees were all over is St. John's Wort (Hypericum)

  4. Go to Sandra's blog for a better tour and commentary. She knows all the names!

  5. Hey,
    Fine points are available all around, many thanks. I anticipate reading even more.

  6. Hi Lindaraxa,
    I've popped over from Sandra's to see your take on the tour. Wasn't it delightful!
    That was the biggest hosta I've ever seen, too.


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