Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas In The NEW House!

I can't believe it....we are ready! well, as ready as we are going to get.  Madame Mere arrived two days ago and whipped everyone into shape.  Amazing how many orders can come out of a mouth.  Then she wondered why we were all so tired. 

Yesterday we looked into some of the Christmas boxes for leftovers to set the table.  A few balls that we never use anymore were found and some glass garlands from past decorations.  The only china at hand was Verdures from Raynaud since the other four sets I have, including the one I usually use for Christmas, were unpacked in the basement.  I have yet to find the wine goblets but there's still 24 hours 'till Christmas Eve.

On Christmas Day the grandchildren and the rest of the family will arrive for the traditional Cuban lunch of pork, black beans and turrones.  Fortunately that is a less formal ocassion.

This year we have two Christmas trees, one in the great room and a smaller one in the dining room.  I will post better pictures later when the light is better.  The ones I took yesterday were much too dark to make them justice.


Well Madame Mere is calling, we are off to the grocery store to pick up the leg of lamb and finish up. And to think just a couple of months she fell and broke her foot.  Amazing....

Merry Christmas to all of you dearest friends and remember...Don't sweat the small stuff!

I wonder how many days Madame Mere will be staying with us...


  1. everything looks beautiful! Merry Christmas!

  2. everything looks beautiful! Merry Christmas!

  3. Merry Christmas to you as well Julieta, and thank you for so many wonderful recipes. You are always one of my first stops when I am searching for something new.

  4. Moving and two trees -- you are ambitious!!! I think your table is amazing -- as is your food! I am always excited when I see a new post!

    Have a very Merry Christmas!

  5. I'd love to be there with you for Christmas, but alas, happy Christmas to you and yours!

  6. Best wishes for a wonderful Christmas in your new home!

  7. Kat, Carol, Paul,John, Martha

    Thank you, dearest friends, and a Merry Christmas to all of you!

  8. Merry merry Julieta! The house looks fabulous already; I do look forward to seeing it. Glad Lucy is relaxing....
    oxox Libby&Peter

  9. Julieta, I am so impressed you got it all together (and beautifully)in such a short time.
    Have a very happy Christmas and the very best for 2012!

  10. What a beautiful Christmas table... Two trees? You are simply amazing! Everything is festive and perfect! Have a wonderful Christmas and many blessings for all of you!!

    Laura & Snowy

  11. The new house looks beautiful! And, wow! y'all are efficient! Moving and still having a big Christmas celebration---very impressive! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I'm looking forward to your posts in 2012.

  12. My best to Madame Mere

  13. Libby, Sandra, Tracy, Laura, Angela

    and a merry merry one to all of you!

  14. Amazing really! And what a fabulous gutsy, spicy color choice for the dining room. Must look glorious in candlelight. As more Madame Mere, be grateful for the spirited gene pool. I suspect dear L.G. that you are indeed your mother's daughter. How else would this miracle been accomplished.

    ps The sous chef looks a wee bit tuckered. Hope she gets back to her pre-move glory.

  15. Your new dining room is beautiful, Julieta, as is your table. Congratulations on your new home, and have a very Merry Christmas!

  16. Happy Christmas to one of my favorite editors in
    Blog Land, the amazing Julieta! Reading your posts
    has supplied heaps of inspiration over the past year.
    Many thanks to you!

  17. WOW! Great job! The table looks divine and my BF lucy looks pretty wearing her new bandana!
    Love, Vivi & Family

  18. Yes, yes. And yes to the provocation of the burgundy candles. That's confidence.

  19. Joseph, Vivian, Toby, Mary and Home.

    Thank you. It's amazing what one can do with leftovers, and coming from all of you it's a great compliment.

    I like burgundy candles and the mossy green ones, yet they are so hard to find, except in NYC, of course. I have boxes of them from years past but sadly i'm running out. Guess a trip to NY is in order. Have a happy!

  20. I popped over via Reggie and I'm so glad I did, everything is so lovely!

    Happy New Year!

  21. I am so disappointed that I couldn't spend Christmas with you all. My tree is still up. Let's have a do-over at my place next weekend!

  22. John,

    Are you kidding...a do over??? We are in our pj's having a Rest Fest! but I will cook the leg of lamb piece I saved in the freezer anytime...just let us know.

  23. Aww~ I wasn't able to be with my cat last holiday season... =( I was away and still had to work. Your celebration last Christmas was great for two occasions: your new house and Christmas! Nice decoration on the tree and dining table too!


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