Thursday, October 13, 2011

Buffet Menu Served At The Wedding Of The Duchess Of Alba

This past 5th of October, the Duchess Of Alba, Cayetana Fitz-James Stuart and Silva, married Alfonso Diez at the Duenas Palace in Seville.  All of you, I'm sure, know the story.  She is 85, he is... well, a bit younger.  She is very rich... he is not.  She is a real trip.

What you didn't know, that is until now, is what the guests were served after the ceremony

It was a buffet served around the garden of the palace.  Here's the food.

Cold Plates 

- Gazpacho rebujito con hierbabuena
Gazpacho with Mint 

- Tortilla Española
Spanish tortilla 

- Ensalada de Nuyes con Angulas y Caviar
Salad of Nueyes & caviar

Hot Plates 

- Arroz a la provenzal acompañado con gambas blancas de Huelva y langosta en salsa americana
Provencal Rice with Shrimp and Lobster in American Sauce

- Tournedó de Ternera con Salsa Bearnesa
Tournedos Of Beef with Bernaise Sauce 


Pimientos de Padrón
Red Pimientos from Padron 

Cebollitas Francesas
French small onions 

Patatas Estilo Ducal
Potatoes Ducal Style

- Ave al limón en su jugo con verdura variada a la plancha
Grilled Lemon Chicken with vegetables

- Ensalada Mimosa
Mimosa Salad 


- Tocino de coco
Coconut Custard 

- Pastel de almendras con salsa de leche condensada
Almond Pie With Condensed Milk Sauce (??!) 

- Bomba de chocolate con salsa de turrón caliente
Chocolate Bombe With Warm Turron Sauce

Source and Photos Hola


  1. Somehow this menu looks kind of ordinary for such a bizarre wedding. They should have consulted with you first, and come up with something more interesting.
    --Road to Parnassus

  2. Please promise that your next posting won't detail the wedding night - LOL!

  3. I think of it as more traditional than ordinary. In any case, I would have loved to have been a guest! I would have been happy with chicken salad sandwiches and sheet cake!

  4. Parnasus, I agree with you, but I guess when you have more titles than the Queen of England you can get away with anything.

    Classicist, as there were only 40 guests, including ex daughters in laws, I think you and I would have had a hard time getting in. None of her grandchilren attended and her daughter checkerd herself into the hospital with chicken pox or something like that

    Michele, I wouldn't dream of it...though I thought about it for a fleeting moment and shuddered!

  5. Julieta~this was priceless, specially the comments
    following the post. Whenever I see photographs of
    the Duchess it calls to mind some of the less than
    lovely ladies of the court painted by Goya, which is
    the only justification for that face. Still~its food that
    matters and I agree with The Devoted Classicist, in that
    the menu was somewhat beside the point.

  6. Thank you for the information regarding the triumph of age and experience over youth and ability. Is that what such food does? Can you find recipes? I would like to try some.
    Thank you!

  7. David,

    the spanish tortilla and gazpacho recipes are in this blog. There is also a recipe for a paella which is very similar to the provencal rice. do a search in this blog. thanks for stopping by.

  8. Toby,

    I don't think the D pays much attention to food. She is very concerned about her looks and is the typical poster child for Surgeries Gone Wrong!


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