Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Valentine's Dinner For Four

Yes, you read it right, this dinner is for four people.  This year I decided to put together a menu for four great friends or two couples.  Why not, I'm sure there are some of you out there who are, shall we say, past the initial stages of pajama grams and romantic dinners a deux.  Once you get into the twilight years of your marriage, there's no reason you can't invite another couple to celebrate the day with you ...or, if you are single and there's no one in sight, cook a dinner for four good friends and have a good time instead of moping around.

Going out to dinner on a night like this is asking for trouble.  You can bet your bottom dollar that it will be expensive and mediocre at best.  When restaurants get this full on an evening like Valentine's Day, it is unlikely that you will get good service or an excellent meal.  Trust me, I've been there.  The food and the wines will be pricier since they know you are at their mercy.   Stay home, cook something elegant and easy and spend the extra dollars on a good bottle of wine or champagne.  That's what I would do.

I have put together a menu which takes no time to prepare.  If you decide to spend it alone with your sweet pea it is very easy to adjust. 

As an example of what you can enjoy at home, I have picked out two wines from Sherry Lehman* that represent excellent value.  If you are in the New York City area this might just be your lucky day.  Both add up to around $70. You can always have Champagne with the oysters if you want (that would probably be my choice). The Margaux is from a top chateau and an excellent value.  I have chosen it because Margaux is renown for producing the most seductive wines of Bordeaux, so what could be more appropriate n'est ce pas?  If you want something full bodied, you might want to try a Saint Julien, although they are a tad more expensive.  Just make sure you pick something that has some age and is ready to drink now.

I am suggesting the scalloped oysters as an easy way to prepare this "aphrodisiac".  It is an old myth that oysters enhance the libido but it's fun and a  good topic of conversation when they show up at times like these.  Sorry to crash your party.  With a menu like this though, I would definitely start with something fishy, like smoked salmon, shrimp or crabmeat which you can purchase fresh at your fishmonger . 

The pots de creme are coming up next so stay tuned....

The rest of the evening is up to you!

Valentine's Day 2011 Menu

Alain Chavy Puligny Montrachet 2008



Haricots Vert

Prieure-Lichine (Margaux) 2004


Petit Pots de Creme Au Chocolat

*I get no remuneration from Sherry-Lehman for my recommendations

Table Setting Canadian Home And Country

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