Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Pecorino With Honey & Walnuts

I usually don't like to try recipes from people who are not dedicated cooks but in this case an exception was made.

Last month while looking for Christmas decorating ideas in one of my many Carolyne Roehm books,  I came across this picture.  Now, she may be my idol as to table settings and gift wrapping but I would not bet the bank she's a good cook.  Not by the looks of her!  She's too skinny for one and secondly she just doesn't look like the type.  That doesn't mean she doesn't have good recipes that she has probably collected from visiting friends who have fabulous chefs.  So what could go wrong with trying this combination?  After all, I had all the ingredients in my pantry including a huge Pecorino Romano I had recently purchased at Costco!

This is sensational,  particularly after dinner in lieu of dessert;  although, of course, you could serve it as an hors d'oeuvre any time of the year.


½ cup honey
15 walnut halves
1 pound young pecorino toscano

Preheat oven to 450°.


Mix honey and walnuts in small bowl. Slice pecorino ½" thick and slightly overlap in baking dish. Bake 6 minutes until slightly runny. Pour honey and walnut mixture over cheese. Serve with crusty bread.

Recipe Carolyne Roehm


  1. I have tried several of the recipes in her books and none disappoint. SHE has a great cook!

  2. I know, she must! will look more closely now when leafing through her books. thanks.


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