Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Merry Christmas!

This second Christmas at Lindaraxa's Garden has been, by far, the most joyful one since I started this blog.  When I first started Lindaraxa, I read somewhere that it takes at least three years for a blog to become successful.  Little did I know that after a year and 8 months and over 300 recipes, I would still be here and that the time spent sharing all these dishes and anecdotes with my friends and virtual friends would be one of the most rewarding in my life.  The last time I felt such accomplishment was when I finished making all those Christmas balls you see in that photo, 36 years ago!

It is interesting to me that whenever I tell a friend or a stranger that I have a blog I still get this quirky little smile that in my mind  translates into "boy, you must be odd."  Nothing comes out of their mouths after that look.  Nope, it's a case closed and a I won't talk about it if you won't kind of an attitude.  In spite of this "quirkiness" in myself,  I am still amazed that I have had the perseverance to continue on this path whose only reward is the number of people who subscribe to your blog and seeing your name appear on someone else's Blogroll.   For those of you who are new to this world,  a blogroll is the select group of blogs that a blogger follows, meaning, those that they actually read and endorse.  If you get on a popular blogger's blogroll that is almost like winning the Derby!  You can't imagine the pride and joy that someone feels when one's little blog appears on the sidebar of a well known blog.  This year I had that "endorsement" from some of the most popular bloggers around.  So to those wonderful people I want to extend my most heartfelt thanks:

Reggie Darling  This is what every blog should be.  Witty, informative, risky, beautifully written posts about everything from antiques to entertaining, etiquette, the decorative arts, travel and RD's continuing restoration of his home, Darlington Hall.  It is one blog where the comments are as much fun as the host! A pleasure to have as a friend.

Little Augury-  She's ecclectic all right and one of the most read, prolific and influential blogs around.  You never know what she's going to come up with next! Another generous and great friend.

Slim Paley- Her pictures of her beautiful homes, and her posts on fashion, travel and entertaining are second only to my idol, Carolyne Roehm.  She keeps me abreast of everything that is chic and fashionable. And her photography.... I am dying to meet this woman!

Lines From Linderhof - I love opening Martha's blog.  It's like stepping into a favorite relative's home.  And her recipes, well...you can always count on them.  Everyone should have a friend like her.

The Corinthian Column - My favorite virtual friend from the Far East.  Born in Singapore to British parents and a real connoisseur of art and antiques.  If you want to keep up with the auction markets, follow him! Makes a splendid souffle too!

The Blue Remembered Hills, my newest friend and fellow Atlantan whom I'm looking forward to meet. 

You will note that none of these six blogs have anything to do with cooking, except of course, Lines from Linderhof who posts wonderful recipes from time to time.   I made the decision a few months ago that the food blogging space was a bit crowded and that what I really enjoyed was following smart and talented people in areas where I wasn't as well versed and with whom I could interact at all levels.  I contacted Mrs. Blandings, the doyenne of the space, and asked for some advice.  She wrote back and encouraged me to comment on those blogs that appealed to me and that is how I got to know all these wonderful people. Not that there aren't wonderful food bloggers out there, I follow some and also comment on many when something strikes my fancy.  But living so far out in the country means I don't have the intellectual and artistic stimulation I used to have when I lived in New York and I sorely miss that.  These people are my lifeline to that former world and fill an empty little place that is sorely lacking in my life right now.  So to them, thank you for keeping me au courrant, stimulated and revived and for making me feel a part of your world.

As you all know, I also publish a country blog, My Kitchen by the Lake, and there I also have wonderful friends who live in the country or by a lake such as ours.  They are part of my new life and one to which I am slowly adapting.  I have a following from all places, The Netherlands!  I wish a very merry Xmas to my loyal  friends  A Southerner's Notebook, Lake Lure Cottage Kitchen, An Eye For Detail,  Worth the Whisk and Honeysuckle And Hissy Fits, my most loyal commenter. If I am missing anyone a thousand pardons! It's hard to keep track of this stuff.

Last but not least, my readers, followers and subscribers, thank you for your support.

I know, I know...my time is up!

Merry Christmas from all of us at Lindaraxa's Garden (all 2 of us!)

...and don't forget to feed the dogs!


  1. Dear One:
    When I opened this post to read your Christmas wishes, little did I expect to see such a lovely reference to the friendship that you and I have developed over the last year. First here on the blogosphere, and then in real life, in person. Reggie is, indeed, the fortunate one! With thanks and best wishes to you and yours this Christmas -- Reggie (and Boy and Pompey, too!)
    PS, Miss Lucy Westie looks adorable in her red holiday sweater

  2. I've enjoyed "meeting" you too through the blogosphere, and it would be nice one day to meet in person. I too enjoy the stimulation that comes from my daily blog reads from around the world. Thank you for being part of that! I hope you have a terrific Christmas. I've just re-arranged our dinner party planned for Christmas Day to Christmas Eve, as the Metropolitan Electricity Board yesterday decided to do some "essential work" on Boxing Day and will cut the power from 08.30 till 15.30 and I just don't fancy clearing up with no airconditioning and no hot water. It seemed the lesser of two evils. On Christmas Day we have a fire drill at the condo, (our very own version of Christmas bells?) I did mention that the country is 95% Buddhist, so these ticky tacky Christmas adornments are really grating! I'd rather have electricity! Aargh.

  3. Totally unexpectedly I find the name of my blog in your Christmas post and I thank you for it. As I said that day when I first commented - only last week, I think - I found you through Reggie's blog and am really pleased I did. Yesterday I laid on the sofa reading back through your posts and I want to tell you if the previous posts are anything to go by I'm really looking forward to the future ones.

    My best wishes for Christmas and the New Year.

  4. We are the ones who are lucky! Thank you for all you do and all the wonderful recipes you share with us. Merry Christmas!

  5. Thank you for providing such a beautiful and resourceful spot!!!

    Merry Christmas!!!

  6. A very merry Christmas to you! Your blogs are lovely and helpful. Its nice to get such a personal feeling from your postings and good recipe ideas as well. Best wishes for 2011!

  7. What a delightful surprise to find the lovely mention of my blog! I look forward to your posts in the new year---always an enjoyable part of my day. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  8. Merry Christmas, and happy blogging for the coming year. David.

  9. It's we who ought to be thanking you, Julieta, for the spirit of
    generosity that informs all of your postings.
    Happy Christmas!

  10. Thank you Toby and David and Lara,

    It is a pleasure to have you drop by! Merry Christmas!

  11. Very late indeed! I haven't been visiting anyone at all for the last two weeks and just read this...thank you for the mention!
    Here's to another great year, and one we can share in Southland!!!

  12. I too have been absent for the last week or so. I have enjoyed reading both of your blogs and appreciate your recognition. Have a Happy New Year. Look forward to what 2011 brings for all of us.


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