Monday, November 22, 2010

Cranberry Sauce With Port

This year I am going to do a variation of my Cranberry Orange Sauce by reducing the orange juice by half and adding port.  That's it!

Makes 2 Cups


1/2 cup ruby port

Three 1-by-3-inch strips of orange zest, cut into thin matchsticks

1/2 cup fresh orange juice

12 ounces fresh cranberries

3/4 cup sugar


1.In a medium saucepan, combine the port with the orange zest and orange juice and bring to a boil. Add the cranberries and sugar and simmer over moderately low heat until the sauce is jamlike, about 25 minutes. Transfer to a bowl and serve warm or at room temperature.

Make Ahead

The cranberry sauce can be refrigerated for up to 2 weeks.

You might also like:

Cranberry Orange Sauce 
Photo: William Meppen


  1. Lindaraxa to the rescue again! Reggie was at a loss as to how to make his cranberry dressing this year, and now he is no longer. It will be a veritable indaraxa Thanksgicving at Darlington House this year! Many thanks. Reggie

  2. Reggie, dearest

    Somehow I knew this would strike your fancy. Could it be the port? Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


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