Sunday, October 31, 2010

Fair Is Fair...Halloween In the Country

A few days ago I posted on some beautiful Halloween decorations on Madison Avenue in New York City.  Whilst my new neck of the woods might not be as chic or sophisticated, I am happy to say we get to enjoy other aspects of  Halloween that maybe the kids in the city miss out cows, and goats, and rides and a fun dinner with frosted green cupcakes at Nani Lindaraxa's house on the lake.

Usually we do this a couple of weekends earlier, but now with two babies in tow,  it  gets difficult sometimes to stick to a schedule.  We were late this year, but we did manage to sneak in an hour before closing and enjoy some of the fun things the Kinsey Family Farm in Gainesville Georgia has to offer right before Halloween.  This is where we buy our pumpkins and our Christmas tree.

Second place winner at the office pumpkin carving contest!

The Kinsey Family Farm

He was patiently waiting for us all along

Like the dogs of Madison Avenue, these goats come in all colors black

and grey

...and white and brown

He definitely knew he was good looking

This is the funniest cow...she even mooos on cue!

Two handsome dudes!

That goat thinks he's already part of the family!

Riding through the farm

Checking out potential Xmas trees!

Green cupcakes with you-know-who trying to get in the act! 

 Check out my other blog, My Kitchen By The Lake, where I  share my new country life and lots of easy recipes and decorating ideas.

I do miss the city, terribly sometimes; but if I can't live there, this is definitely not bad for second best!



  1. having just been in NYC and appreciating all it has to offer- and yes during Halloween too, I prefer a Visit to the city While the permanence of goats in the country-though there be many a goat of a sort in the city as well.

  2. Are those your children and grandchildren? What a darling family! Your holidays must be soooo much fun!

  3. Thank you, Stacy. That is my son's young family. I also have a grown daughter but she is not in these pics although she was there. She is ocassionaly on the lake blog with the dogs.

  4. Well, of course, I like the last picture best with you-know-who!


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