Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sformato di Melanzane...Eggplant Mold

This recipe comes from a good friend who happens to eat well and entertain even better!  I recently posted on some of the small things that make an invitation from him a command performance and now I am going to share with you one of his recipes.  As it is with everything he does, it is simple and easy to make yet interesting and "fancy" enough to be part of a dinner or luncheon party.  The recipe comes from his mother and he has been serving it forever.  I recently had it at his home in Miami as part of an informal dinner buffet, in the heat of the summer, and served room temperature without a sauce.  Frankly, I can't remember what else he served I was so enchanted with this mousse.

If you want to serve it as a first course or for an elegant and simple lunch, the original recipe suggests you make extra bechamel sauce, pour it over it and top with a poached egg.  My type of lunch!

Printable Recipe
Serves 6 to 8


1 1/4 lbs eggplant, peeled and cut in small pieces

2 medium onion finely chopped

5 eggs, separated

Salt & Pepper

1 Cup of bechamel sauce*

Parmaggiano Reggiano (optional)


Preheat the oven to 275 degrees. 

Cut the eggplant in small pieces and finely chop the onion.  Separately, saute the onions and the eggplant.  When both are done, combine them and with a fork, add the salt and pepper and  mash the pulp until it looks like a puree.  Let cool.

Separate the eggs.  Beat the egg yolks and add to the cool puree and then beat the egg whites to stiff peaks (like a meringue) and fold in to the mix.  Add the bechamel and combine.

Grease a 4 cup mold with butter and add the eggplant.  Cook at 275degrees for 20 to 25 minutes.

Remove from the oven and let it come to room temperature.

Run a sharp knife around the edges and invert mold unto a platter.  Serve in wedges.

If you are serving topped with bechamel sauce and poached eggs, spoon about a large tbs of bechamel sauce now on each slice and top with the eggs.  If you are forfeiting the eggs, I suggest you pour the extra bechamel after the mold is inverted into a platter.

 Although he didn't mention it, I would sprinkle freshly grated parmesan cheese over the bechamel sauce before serving!

*make 2 cups if you are serving it topped with sauce


  1. I know I would definitely like this. It has all the ingredients and elements that intrigue me.

  2. Sounds delicious. I've been using eggplants a fair bit lately so this is another recipe I could use them with.


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