Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Saturday Night on the Grill...Curried Lamb Kabobs With Basmati Rice

Last summer I posted recipes for the grill at least once a month but, unfortunately, this year, with all the activity going on at the lake, I have been totally remiss.  I can't figure out why, for we grill at home at least 3 or 4 times a week when we have nice weather.  I will have to say that it has been unbearably hot here in Atlanta and lately every weekend has been rainy and stormy.  You should have seen us trying to grill some swordwish last Saturday by the garage door in the middle of a storm!

Grilling is great fun and an easy way of entertaining and relaxing with good friends.  I usually try to entice everyone with one of my mojitos, followed by a cold soup served in demitasse cups outside to extend the cocktail hour a bit and give the cook (me) some leeway. If you look at the index under grill, you will find a recipe for regular shish-kebabs as well as lamb chops and butterflied leg of lamb.  There are others, for fish and chicken in particular, but these are the ones that come to mind.

I have made this recipe a couple of times and you can be assured, you will get rave reviews from your guests!  The last time I served it I followed with the honey lavender ice cream for dessert.  Perfect match!

The wine will be tricky so before you go off to buy your favorite, check this post

Serves 8-10


•10 (6-inch) wooden skewers

•2 cups dried apricots

•1 cup raisins

•1 garlic clove, crushed

•6 bay leaves

•2 tablespoons brown sugar, packed

•1 tablespoon ground coriander

•1 tablespoon chopped chutney

•2 teaspoons curry powder

•2 teaspoons ground ginger

•1 teaspoon salt

•3/4 teaspoon cayenne

•2 cups white vinegar

•2 large onions, quartered

•5 pounds boneless lamb, cut into 1 1/2-inch cubes


1. Prepare a charcoal fire. Soak the skewers in warm water for at least 10 minutes.

2. In a saucepan, combine 1 cup of the apricots with the raisins, garlic, bay leaves, brown sugar, coriander, chutney, curry powder, ginger, salt, cayenne, and vinegar. Bring the mixture to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Add the remaining apricots and the onions and remove from the heat. Allow the mixture to cool.

3. Place the lamb in a flat baking dish, just big enough to hold the meat in a single layer. Pour the cooled marinade over the lamb. Cover and refrigerate for 24 hours.

4. Remove the mixture from the refrigerator and thread 5 to 6 pieces of the lamb onto the skewers, alternating with some of the onion pieces and the apricots. Set the kabobs aside.

5. Strain marinade and transfer from the dish to a saucepan. Place the pan over high heat and bring to a boil, then reduce and heat and simmer until mixture is reduced slightly.

6. Brush the kabobs with some of the sauce and grill them over hot coals, brushing occasionally with more of the sauce, until the meat is done as desired. Serve with yellow basmati rice.

Basmati Rice


•2 tablespoons butter

•1/2 cup finely chopped onion

•1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric

•2 cups basmati rice, rinsed

•2 cups chicken stock or broth

•1 cup water

•1/3 cup dark raisins

•1/3 cup sultanas (golden raisins)

•1 cinnamon stick

•1/2 cup toasted cashews


1. In a large saucepan, melt the butter over medium heat. Add the onion and turmeric. Cover the pan and cook until the onion is soft and has a glassy appearance.

2. Stir in the rice, chicken stock, water, raisins, and the cinnamon stick. Bring the mixture to a boil. Cover the pan, reduce the heat, and simmer for about 20 minutes, or until all the liquid has been absorbed. Remove the rice from the heat and remove the cinnamon stick. Stir in the cashews. Serve hot

Recipes Colin Cowie


  1. First of all I want to sip a glass of iced tea in your garden...then this recipe ingrigued me. Would you believe I am a foodie but have never tried lamb? (true confession) Thanks for your post!

  2. Jane,
    If I were you, I would rush over to the store and get a couple of lamb chops and grill them! there is a recipe on my blog. You HAVE to try lamb...you must!


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