Monday, July 26, 2010

Grilled Swordfish With Capers & Lemon Butter

At last, I was able to find some fresh swordfish last week at the Dekalb Farmers Market, the same place we bought our lobsters. It's amazing how hard it is to find decent fresh fish these days.  I remember when I was young and living in Connecticut buying sole, flounder and swordfish was no problem at all.  As a matter of fact, I used to diet on sole and came to despise it, can you believe?  Now when you find it on a menu, it's  market price and you know what that means, $$$$.

I was taught to grill swordfish by a fellow broker when I worked at the Merrill Lynch office in Greenwich Conn.  Rub it with mayonnaise and dill and throw it on the grill.  The result, is probably the juiciest swordfish you will ever have with no traces of mayonnaise left after it has been cooked.  Unfortunately, we had an unexpected rain storm just as I was ready to light the charcoal and ended up cooking it on my indoor grill. It was great,  but not the same.  So make sure when you are ready to try this recipe there are no clouds on the horizon and I guarantee you will never cook it any other way!


2 swordfish steaks
2 TB mayonnaise
1 tsp dry or fresh dill finely chopped
Salt & Pepper
4 oz butter
1 TB fresh lemon juice
1 - 2 TB capers


Light your charcoal or gas grill.  Wait until it is very hot.

In a cup combine the mayonnaise, dill,  salt and pepper.  Spread it on both sides of the swordfish. and throw it on the grill.  Cook, covered, about 4-5 minutes on each side, depending on thickness.  Remove to a platter and let rest for 5 minutes.

While the fish is resting, melt the butter on top of the stove, add the lemon juice and capers, pour over the swordfish and serve immediately

Photo Lindaraxa


  1. Mayo and interesting. Can't wait to try it. Have a bouquet of fresh dill just waiting to be used!

  2. Sometimes the simple dishes are the best! This looks great! I love you have a tip on how not to over cook it?

  3. Foodies
    Wether grilling or pan frying (i definitely recommend the former) look on the side. When the fish has turned to white, from pink it's done! it's that simple. Also remember the fish will cook some more while resting.


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