Friday, July 2, 2010

Fourth of July Weekend... Charred Corn Salad

Chances are you will have some leftover corn on the cob from one of the meals you serve your guests this weekend.   Don't throw it out...make this the next night.  This salad is wonderful with anything you throw on the grill, including hamburgers on the 4th; or bring it along next time you go on a picnic.  If you can't find jicama, skip it.

One thing you don't want to skip is chipotle chiles in adobo.  These are normally packed in cans with a sauce made of spices, vinegar, tomato sauce and sometimes other chilies. You can use the chiles, the sauce, or both in recipes. Don't worry, when I first made this salad, I had to look it up too!  You will find them in small cans in the Mexican section of the supermarket.  Have you noticed how this area is getting larger by the minute? My supermarket now has two sections!  People in this country have really fallen in love with all this hot and spicy food.  As for me, I have to look up most peppers every time they are included in a recipe.  It is soo confusing, all these peppers.  I have learned one thing though...habaneros are the hotest!

Serves 6-8 


2 Tbs. fresh lime juice

1 Tbs. fresh orange juice

1 tsp. diced chipotle chili in adobo, plus 1 Tbs. adobo sauce

2 tsp. salt

1 garlic clove, minced

1/2 tsp. honey

1/4 cup plus 2 Tbs. olive oil

6 ears of corn, husks and silks removed

1 can (15 oz.) black beans, rinsed and drained

2 Tbs. chopped fresh cilantro, plus cilantro leaves for garnish*

2 cups cherry or grape tomatoes, quartered

1/2 cup diced jicama

1/4 cup diced red onion


In a bowl, whisk together the lime juice, orange juice, chipotle chili and adobo sauce, 1 tsp. of the salt, the garlic, honey and the 1/4 cup olive oil until smooth. Set the vinaigrette aside.

Prepare a hot fire in a grill or preheat a grill pan over high heat.

Rub the ears of corn with the 2 Tbs. olive oil and the remaining 1 tsp. salt. Grill the corn, turning occasionally, until charred in spots, 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to a platter.

When the corn is cool enough to handle, remove the kernels from the cobs and place the kernels in a large bowl. Add the black beans, chopped cilantro, tomatoes, jicama, onion and vinaigrette and stir until well combined. Garnish with the cilantro leaves. Serve the salad at room temperature. Serves 6 to 8.

*I added 3 TBs

Recipe Williams-Sonoma Kitchen.


  1. This sounds really good -- I love vegetable salads and the "kick" this one has should be good with the 4th BBQ.

  2. Got a chuckle about your comment about chile peppers. Just commenting to let you know that Habaneros are no longer the worlds hottest pepper. The Red Savarin Habanero measured out around 500 thousand Scoville units. The new record holder weighs in at a mind boggling 1 million+ Scoville units!!

  3. Taras, thanks for the least I know what to avoid now, I am a wimp about heat!

  4. Oops, I guess I should give you the name of the pepper you want to avoid. It comes from India and is called the Bhot Jolokia, common name "Ghost Pepper". I have a 1oz bag of these peppers and still haven't found the courage to open it. As to your wimpiness my chilehead friends would say " shoot, that amount of heat wouldn't make a mouse dance" Heheh, Taras


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