Friday, June 4, 2010

Gelato di Melone...Cantaloupe Sorbetto

The canteloupes are here and the one I had yesterday was superb.  Last year at about this time, I posted on one of my favorite restaurants in this world, Ousteau de Beaumaniere, where I learned to pair melon and prosciutto with Muscat de Beames de Venise.  I suggest you check it out and rush out to buy a bottle.  It will just make your weekend.

If you get a second melon, this is one of the nicest sorbettos you could ever taste, where you feel you are actually tasting the fruit since it has no milk or cream whatsoever.  Only make it if you have an outstanding melon... it is the main ingredient.

A granite made of Muscat de Beaumes de Venise (a sweet dessert wine), with melon and melon sorbet at Ousteau de Beaumaniere


1 cup minus 1 tablespoon superfine granulated sugar

1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon bottled or filtered still water (not distilled)

1 cantaloupe (about 3 pounds)

2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice

1 tablespoon lightly beaten egg white*


In a small heavy saucepan heat sugar and water, stirring until sugar is dissolved. Cool syrup. Cut rind from melon and discard seeds. Cut melon into chunks and in a food processor purée enough to measure 2 cups. Transfer purée to a bowl and stir in syrup and lemon juice. Chill melon mixture until cold and up to 1 day.

Stir in egg white and freeze in an ice-cream maker. Serve sorbetto immediately or transfer to an airtight container and put in freezer to harden no more than 3 hours

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