Thursday, May 20, 2010

'Til Death Do Us Part...Julia Child's Quiche Lorraine

There are recipes that you marry for life and Julia Child's Quiche Lorraine, like her Chocolate Mousse, are two of them.  I discovered both in the late 1970's and never looked back.  It was my second husband's favorite weekend lunch, after Coquilles St. Jacques.  A Wall Street trader and  7- handicap golfer, this man loved quiche. So, who says real men don't eat quiche!

In those days, you couldn't buy quiche at gourmet shops.  If you wanted one, you made one, so it was indeed a treat.  Nowadays, we are so sick of it we have already forgotten what the real stuff tastes like.  If you are a quiche lover,  I suggest you try this recipe. You can make it with your eyes closed.  If you don't want to go through the ordeal of making a crust, buy a frozen one.  I recommend Mrs. Smith's.

The original Quiche Lorraine,unlike what you may have heard, does not have cheese.  That is something that came later and has become acceptable now.  You will notice this recipe does not have it and I suggest making it as is; but if you want to add some, make sure you use Gruyere (1/2 cup), eliminate bacon and use milk or half and half instead).

At this time of year, if I am serving it for a (ladies) lunch, I will have gazpacho to start and serve the quiche with a spinach salad.  A strawberry sorbet with chocolate cookies and you are done!

The gazpacho, sorbet and the crust for the quiche can be made the day before and the filling can be mixed and stored in the refrigerator the morning of the lunch. I would not bake it completely and reheat it later. You could, but it does make a difference.

A chilled Puligny Montrachet is my wine of choice!

 4-6 servings


3-4 ounces lean bacon (6 to 8 strips) cut in 1" slices

8-inch partially cooked pastry shell

3 eggs

1 1/2 – 2 cups cream

1/2 teaspoon salt

pinch of pepper

pinch of nutmeg

1-2 tablespoons butter cut into pea-sized dots


Preheat oven to 375°. Put bacon in a medium pan, cover with cold water, and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Boil for 5 minutes, then drain. Return bacon to pan and cook over medium heat until lightly browned, about 3 minutes. Transfer bacon with a slotted spoon to a paper towel to drain, then arrange on bottom of crust.

4. Beat eggs, cream, and salt together in a medium bowl and season to taste with nutmeg and pepper. Pour mixture into crust and bake until custard is puffed and golden and just set in the center, 30-35 minutes. Slide quiche off parchment paper onto a serving platter and remove ring. Serve quiche warm or at room temperature, sliced into wedges.

If you want to make your own crust, here is her recipe, simplified: You will need a flan ring or a cake pan with removable bottom.


2 cups flour

1⁄4 tsp. salt

Pinch sugar

8 tbsp. cold butter, cut into small pieces

3 tbsp. cold vegetable shortening, cut into

small pieces

1 egg, lightly beaten

1. Sift together flour, salt, and sugar into a mixing bowl. Use a pastry cutter or two knives to work butter and shortening into flour until it resembles coarse meal. Sprinkle in up to 6 tbsp. ice water, stirring the dough with a fork until it just begins to hold together. Using your hands, press dough firmly into a rough ball, then transfer to a lightly floured surface. Give the dough several quick kneads with the heel of your hand to form a smooth dough, then shape into a ball, flatten slightly to make a round, and dust with flour. Wrap round in plastic and refrigerate for 2 hours.

2. Preheat oven to 400°. Allow dough to soften slightly at room temperature before rolling out on a lightly floured surface into a 14'' round. Fit dough, without stretching it, into a buttered 10'' bottomless metal flan ring, 1 1⁄2'' deep, set on a parchment paper-lined cookie sheet with no rim. Press overhanging dough down slightly into sides of ring to make the sides of the crust a little thicker and sturdier. Run the rolling pin over the top of the ring to remove any overhanging dough. Using a fork, prick bottom lightly, then make a decorative edge around the rim. Line dough with buttered aluminum foil, then add pie weights or dried beans. Bake until crust is set and edge just begins to color, about 25 minutes. Remove foil and weights, brush bottom and sides with egg, and continue baking until crust is pale golden, another 2-5 minutes.

The photo is above is @aneyefordetail whose picture came out better that mine!


  1. I JUST put it in the oven! Thank you...It has been many, many years since I have made this. Guess what ? I added bacon AND gruyere AND heavy cream...'gonna be gooood!
    Have a nice weekend!

  2. oh my gosh! I'm definitely making it for lunch this weekend too. The great thing about living by the lake is it makes you go back to your roots...your cooking roots, that is. Been working on pizza too, that's next!

  3. I love Julia Child's quiche and make it often.

  4. Sounds delish and I love Quiche Lorraine! I do like the cheese in in!

    Art by Karena

  5. Karena, like the French say, chacun a son gout! Thanks for stopping by.

  6. It was heavenly! Somehow we managed to not devour the entire thing at once and saved a bit to take to my Mother's... think I put too much bacon in it though. So nice to come back to an old favorite!

  7. So glad you enjoyed. Had mine yesterday, didnt even bother to take a pic...gobble gobble!

  8. Can you use half and half instead of cream?


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