Wednesday, April 7, 2010

10 Recipes for Leftover Ham!

Easter is one of the best holidays for leftovers.  If you baked a big ham, there is a bonanza of recipes you can make and even freeze using both the bone and the meat.  By the time I'm finished with that ham everybody is threatening a ham boycott!

To begin with, never, ever, ever throw a bone away. In most cases, they are the the basis for a great soup or broth and even a sauce. Always look inside your refrigerator for interesting things to cook with what you already have. Take a look inside the "old cemetery" and see what is going to go bad before too long. Some things may already be too dead to salvage. Throw those out! As to the rest, you will be surprised at how many ideas will pop in your mind.

Some of our best and most creative recipes sometimes come from these leftovers, and I can't tell you how proud you will feel after you have used them. You don't have to use up all the ham in one week either.  Slice it, freeze it and save it to make any one of the following recipes next week, or next month! Chopped frozen ham defrosts quickly and can also be used in omelettes and sofritos for rice and other dishes. If you haven't used that Easter ham yet, freeze it  before it's too late.

So, forget those ham sandwiches and take a look at these great suggestions for what's left:

Ham And Green Eggs

and...more recipes in:

This should tie you over 'til next Easter!

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