Monday, February 15, 2010

Tapas...Garbanzo Beans With Chorizo on a Crusty Baguette

This is the fourth post on the tapas buffet and probably my favorite.  I Could have this for lunch on any winter afternoon.  It is a collaboration of my mother and me,  perfected this past Christmas during her stay with us.

Chick peas are the only beans I buy already cooked and canned.  I always have some in the pantry for salads, soups and tapas.  In half an hour you can be eating something that most people will think took you hours to cook.  If you want to eat them like the Spaniards do, place a spoonful on a piece of bread and enjoy!

Serves 2 for lunch or 4 for tapas


3 TB olive oil (preferrably Spanish)
2 cloves mashed garlic
1/2 cup diced onion
1/2 cup diced green peppers
2 small chorizos sliced and quartered
1/2 Cup Pomi chopped tomatoes
1 15 oz can Goya garbanzo beans (chickpeas)
1/4 cup Sherry wine
1/4 tsp Pimenton de la Vera (Spanish Paprika)
Salt & Pepper to taste
Crusty Baguette

Sautee the mashed garllic in the olive oil.  Remove from the pan and discard.  Add the onions and peppers, cook until translucent.  Add the chorizo and cook for a couple of minutes. Add  the Sherry and reduce.  Add the Pomi tomatoes, and about 3/4 cup of water.  Stir.  Add the garbanzo beans, the pimenton, salt and pepper to taste and cook for about 20 minutes.  You will see that the sauce thickens and reduces by about half.  At this point you can add a couple of TB sherry and cook another 5 minutes.

If you are having for lunch serve with a crusty baguette.  If you are serving for tapas, have a basket with slices of baguette next to it so guests can top with the garbanzos.

I just had it with a cold beer for lunch but a Rioja or Ribera del Duero is what you should serve it with.


  1. I must try this. I love garbanzo beans in pretty much any form. With chorizo, now that's entertainment! I couldn't imagine life without hummus, a particular favorite in our house.

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