Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas!

I can't tell you how much pleasure I have derived this year from writing this blog.  For a lot of us, it has been a time of emotional and financial challenges and there has been no better outlet than submerging yourself, if only for a few minutes, in  food and wine.

I am blessed to have a wonderful family and many friends who have given me their support and encouragement.  It has been an easy task;  for it gives me not only a lot of pleasure but also a sense of  purpose every day of the year. As time goes on, I promise it will only get better! It's amazing all I have learned this year just by sheer audacity and a very inquiring mind.

I only ask one favour of you...please pass the word around and encourage people to subscribe by email.  The number of subscriptions a blog gets helps us with our rankings in the blogosphere. It is the only recognition we bloggers get and a source of great pleasure and pride in our work.  No matter how many daily hits I get, and I get quite a few now, there is no substitute for email subscriptions. You can be assured that your information is safe with me and you will not get any spam.  I also encourage you to write comments on the blog.  I know its a pain in the neck having to sign in to Google to do so but when you are hesitating, think of all the love and wonderful recipes you are getting and go for it!

Special thanks to my fellow bloggers, Worththewhisk, LibbywilkieDesigns, foodalogue  Mrs. Blandings and my first cyberfriend, ACio'sVoice for their help, friendship and support.

Merry Christmas to all and thank you for visiting and supporting Lindaraxa's Garden this year!

Photo:  Table design by Carolyne Roehm


  1. I was reading along, shaking my head in concurrence, and was surprised to find my name and a link at the end. Thanks so much.

    All the best to you and yours in the new year.

  2. Merry Christmas to you! Looking forward to your blog posts in 2010.


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