Sunday, August 16, 2009

Corn Quiche Mexican Style

I saw this recipe in one of the Spanish magazines years ago, cut it out and it has been sitting in my recipe notebook since then. Today I tried it on my two toughest mother and our cleaning lady. The latter is a master with tortillas so her opinion was not to be dismissed lightly. The former is my Mother, my toughest critic across the board and a great cook. They both loved it! I tweaked it a little bit adding the green peppers and reducing the Tabasco and I can say it is definitely a keeper.

Be careful when you insert the tortillas in the ramekins so that you don't tear with your fingernails! you don't want any holes in it or the filling will run out to the bottom. You may have to make some pleats to get it to fit snugly in the ramekins and if the edges poke out don't worry. The result will be a beautiful flower with a delicious custard inside. Your guests will think you worked for hours! I am going to try them next week with the quiche Lorraine custard and will post the results. The possibilities are endless! Buen provecho.

Serves 2

4 flour tortillas
olive oil
3 eggs
1/3 cup milk
1 Tb flour
1/8 tsp Tabasco
1/2 cup canned corn drained
1/2 cup finely chopped ham
3/4 cup grated Cheddar cheese
1 TB chopped onions
1TB chopped green peppers
Salt & Pepper

You will need 2 ramekins 5in X 2 in high
Preheat oven to 400 degrees

Oil the ramekins. Spray or brush olive oil on both sides of the tortillas. Insert the tortillas in the ramekins pushing all the way to the bottom to form a cup. Be careful you don't tear the tortilla. Fold sides if you need to. Cook 10 minutes until golden. Take out and cool.

In a bowl, beat the eggs with a wire whisk and mix in the rest of the ingredients. Pour into the ramekins and cook between 20-25 minutes until the quiche is set. Check with a toothpick. If the tortillas are browning too much, reduce the heat to 375 for the last 10 minute. Take out of the oven and let cool for about 10-15 minutes. Very carefully remove quiche from the ramekins using a fork and a spoon, separating from the sides and pushing up from the bottom. Serve hot.

A delightful entree for lunch with a simple salad and possibly a bellini sorbetto for dessert!

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