Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Cool as Cucumber and Spinach Soup!

It's been a miserable summer here in South Florida and it's not even August or September yet. When you take your dog for a walk at midnight and come back drenched, you know it's hot! I've given my Westie a haircut that makes her look like a Mexican Hairless. Even though I think she's happier, she hasn't come out from her cave (under my bed) since, except to eat and go out.

The only thing I crave for lunch these days are cold salads and chilled soups, particularly Gazpacho and this chilled cucumber and spinach delight. I've had the recipe since my days living in North Carolina and not a summer goes by that I don't make it at least once.

So, if it's miserably hot in your area right now, add this to your repertoire...you'll thank me for it. Even if it's not, it's wonderful for lunch or as a first course for dinner. I have served it at dinner parties year round, in demitasse cups, right before we sit down to eat.

Serves 8


1 bunch green onions (scallions) sliced

2 TB Butter

4 cups diced, peeled cucumbers

3 cups chicken broth

1 cup chopped, fresh or frozen spinach

1/2 cup sliced, peeled potatoes

1/2 tsp salt

1 TB lemon juice

Freshly ground pepper to

1 cup light cream

Green onions for garnish


In a saucepan, saute green onions in butter until they are softened.

Add cucumbers, chicken broth, spinach, potatoes, salt, lemon juice and pepper. Simmer uncovered until the potatoes are tender.  Let it cool down to room temperature.

Transfer the mixture to a blender in batches and puree. Transfer the puree to a bowl and stir in the light cream. Let soup cool and chill overnight.*

Garnish each serving with thin slices of green onions.

Cooks Note: *It is important to make the soup the day before and chill overnight so that it is very cold when served.

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