Thursday, June 25, 2009

Creamed Spinach

Another of my children's favorite, particularly my son Ted's. This is a dish that goes well with so many things...chicken croquettes, the Venetian Isles Chicken, Skirt steak, pork chops, lamb chops and so much more!

As a Mom who introduced her children to everything, if you want them to eat spinach, prepare this recipe and you will have them asking for more.


1 pkg frozen spinach
2 TB butter
2 TB flour
1 Cup milk (hot)
1/4 tsp. nutmeg

Cook spinach according to pkg directions. Cool. Squeeze all the water out and let it sit in a colander while you prepare the bechamel sauce.

In a small saucepan, melt the butter, add the flour, cook for 1 minute. Add the hot milk a little at a time while constantly stirring. Continue stirring until it comes to a boil, about another minute or two. Season with nutmeg, salt and pepper. Serve at once, or reserve for later use covered in tinfoil.

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