Thursday, June 18, 2009

5 Meals, 10 Ingredients

Since I know some of you will be hitting the grocery store bright and early this Saturday morning, I encourage you to see this video of Mark Bittman on the Today Show. You should also check out my post The Well Stocked Pantry, the first post I ever published on this blog. It will help you understand why having a few staple ingredients around can help you economize and put together a quick meal or a week's menu . Think of it as you would your wardrobe... if you have a few good basic pieces like a black suit or a killer white blouse, all you have to do is go out and buy new accessories for a brand new look! Additionally, if you check out the specials on the store's website or flyer in the newspaper before you go to the store, you will save a lot of money and who knows, you might even come out with a few new recipes. Remember, if you are on a budget, now is the time to transfer your shopping skills and creative spirit from the mall to the grocery store.

Note: If you are in a pinch for a Father's Day Menu, check out our post published last week!


  1. Ok..... just where in France was this picture taken??? (the windows and shutters are a dead give-away!) Love it love it.

  2. Where do you think, Francophile?'s in Provence and has the best Saturday market in the world!!

  3. I can't remember which one is on Sat.: St. Remy? Isle-sur-Sorgue is Sunday I know; Vaison is Wed. I think. You know, we could do quite a job in Provence!!! Think of it: food AND "aneyefordetail". hmmmmm

  4. and Gordes is Wed. but the mother of all markets is (drumroll...)
    Aix en Provence!!!!!!!

  5. hmmm... is right, i'm game, want to do it?

  6. Deauville has a great one too, got some great sweaters there!

  7. you know, I've never been to Aix! I just adore MFK Fisher's books re. Aix and all of Provence. More later....


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