Thursday, May 28, 2009

What I Miss the Most...Spring in New England

Even though we have beautiful flowers and shrubs here in South Florida, to me there is nothing like Spring (and Fall) in New England.  My friend and classmate (CRH) Libby Wilkie of Libby Wilkie Designs in Poughkeepsie, New York just posted some pictures of what is blooming in her garden this Spring.  It made me pea green with envy, particularly of the lilacs.  I can close my eyes and smell them.  They remind me of the lilac bushes next to my bedroom window in my house in Connecticut.  For two weeks, sleeping in that room was like sleeping in heaven.  I've posted so many pictures of our blooms here in Florida that I thought I should give equal time to the blooms in New England.  Besides, Libby and I are kindred spirits...We love Westies, have blogs and tweet!


  1. Thanks for the promo Julieta! Yes, this year the lilac was unusually prolific and wonderful, and combined with my orange(!) tulips, made a very nice "arrangement". Spring is nice, but you know, it's never quite what you want....lots of rain, cold and damp this year. I miss the hot weather!

  2. Great picture. There is something to be said about flowers in different parts of the country. Being in NY I think we are luckier than others. My roses are beginning to bloom now and they look great. In Florida you are lucky because you get to have beautiful fruit trees.


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