Monday, May 11, 2009

Saturday Night...Eat Out or Eat In?

You tell me...If you are on a budget and had the choice to eat out or eat in what would you do? If you have been subscribed to my blog for over a month, you know what my answer is going to be. To me the thought of getting dressed and tossing a coin on a good meal vs. eating well and having a great bottle of wine for sure is a no brainer..but then again, I love food and wine too much to go out and spend top dollar for a mediocre meal. Always have, always will. I guess it depends on your priorities, and mine are very well defined.. If the main event is to have a good eating experience,we are on the same page, so read on.

Tonight we had a first rate dinner for two for less than $35.00...and here's how. The menu was pretty cool....Filet Mignon with a Bernaise Sauce, French Fries (or Pommes Frites if you want to be elegant) and a wonderful 2000 Bordeaux. Candlelight and a full moon were on the house. At $8.99/lbs. at Costco, two beef tenderloins were approximately $12.00; the bottle of wine, a 2000 red Bordeaux I got at a bargain was $15; and the Bernaise and the pommes frites were, give or take, another $5.00. Total cost for 2 people = $35.00, tax, tips and delivery included. A simple salad and a slice of Arun's cake with a scoop of vanilla ice cream wrapped up the meal. Where in the world can two people eat like this for this price? On a Saturday night?

Folks, if you are on a budget, love to eat, and can light up a stove or a grill, do yourself a favor, stay home and eat well. Anything else is travesty. Set a pretty table, light up the candles, and turn on some music and you've got yourself a date evening. Use your imagination and your "business skills" and with very little work and some planning ahead, you can still think it's the 1990's and happy days are here again. I know, I know, your view doesn't look like the one on the left...neither does mine... but it was a pretty picture, its late and I couldnt find a better one. Just use your imagination...we all have to, these days...

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