Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Quick Light Lunch...Steamed Clams & Clam Chowder Tomorrow!

Some of my best recipes come when I have to improvise. Last weekend, while visiting my son and family in Atlanta, we took a fast run to Costco and as luck would have it, my daughter in law also loves clams. On the way out we picked up a bag of fresh clams and a baguette for a quick lunch and salivated all the way home without remembering we were out of onions! but the night before I had seen some leeks that needed to be used fast and had mulled the idea of leek and potato soup. Ta ta! I substituted them instead of the onions and added some heavy cream that I found fresh in the refrigerator. The result was a softer version of my recipe for Clams Provencal and a keeper. Use the leftover broth and clams for New England Clam Chowder tomorrow!


3 leeks, chopped
4 TB.butter
1/2 bottle of dry white wine
1/2 cup Heavy Cream
1 large bag of clams
8 sprigs of dill


In a tall pot, sautee the leeks in the butter until soft and translucent. Add the clams and the wine to cover them by about 3/4 full. Add dill, parsley and fresh pepper. Cover and steam until all the clams are open. About 15-20 mins. Discard those that don't open. Add the cream and steam for another minute. Serve with a nice crusty bread, a salad and a nice dry white wine or rose.


  1. One word -Yum. Great recipe for the start of the summer.

  2. Hi Linda, good a matter of a fact i always use leeks for clam
    chowder. The recipe i have calls for lots of white onion. So using the leeks
    makes any soup much creamier. Lots of chunky chopped clams is also
    a big key to a awesome chowder. Buen provecho! Sel


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