Monday, April 20, 2009

To Market...To Market - Wyndham Organic Market

I had a wonderful day last week and it all started at the farmer's market. I have a friend who, like me, loves to eat and eat well. She's also an adventurer and is always digging up new places to eat, buy food or whatever has to do with the art of eating, dining and entertaining. Last week, she called to tell me of a new find, a farmers market which had just been given a good review by the local newspaper. Since I had just started a blog on cooking, would I like to go with her and have lunch afterwards. The morning started all wrong, with mixed signals as to what time to meet. When my day starts like that, all I want to do is go back to bed, as I know how its going to end. So, as we neared the address and I looked around the neighborhood, it confirmed my worst fears. Undaunted, my friend got out of the car and proceeded to go in. Well, am I glad I followed. Inside were the nicest two ladies,,, organic people are always nice, wonder why?... and a viandero (a Cuban vegetable grower) and the most beautiful fruits and vegetables I have seen since California. Everything was laid out neatly, and very artistically. Mangoes, beans, grapefruits, potatoes of all kinds, three kinds of eggplants, beautiful tomatoes, healthy looking herbs, onions of all varieties... I was in pig heaven! After about an hour of talking to the two nice ladies and the viandero, I walked out with a couple of grapefruits, 1 beautiful Sicilian eggplant, 2 mangoes, and the biggest organic red beet I have ever seen. All for just under ten dollars. I would have walked out with the entire store but by now Ive learned to buy with my refrigerator in mind, not with my eyes, so I don't end up throwing half the stuff away.

We ended the morning having one of the most delicious lunches I have had since I arrived in Miami, at a tapas restaurant in the Design District called Sra. Martinez. The chef and owner is Michelle Bernstein, formerly of Azul, at the Mandarin Oriental. What a nice ending to what promised to be a disastrous day... I guess sometimes life has a way of surprising you... in a nice way, for a change.

Do try to go to the farmers markets in your area, particularly at this time of the year. It will open your eyes and palate to new varieties of fruits and vegetables and you will cook and eat better for it.

The Market Company, 4127 NW 2nd. Ave, Just west of the Design District, Tues-Fri. 10-4

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