Tuesday, March 31, 2009

An Unexpected Great Meal...Shrimp with Limes & Vermouth

Sometimes a combination of circumstances leads up to a great meal, and tonight was one of those times. My initial intention was to make shrimp scampi with beautiful shrimp I had just brought back from the store but, unfortunately, I had forgotten the lemons, so that was out of the question. What I did have were limes, so I had to improvise. What came out was one of the nicest meals we have had so far this week. A cup of chilled asparagus soup from the night before was a nice starter.

1/4 cup Spanish olive oil
1TB butter
3 cloves garlic
1 lbs. unpeeled shrimp
1 bay leaf
1/4 tsp pimenton de la vera (Spanish sweet paprika)
1 tsp. tomato paste
1 lime
salt & pepper
1/4 cup dry Vermouth

In a skillet, melt the butter in the oil over medium heat. Mash the garlic, add to the pan and saute for about 1 min. Peel the shrimp leaving the tails on and add to the oil. Add bay leaf and pimenton and the tomato paste. You can add more pimenton if you want it spicier. Squeeze the lime from one half of the lemon on top of the shrimp, season with salt and pepper. Add the dry vermouth. Turn the heat up and reduce until the liquid evaporates by half. Remove from the heat and add the other half of the lime cut in wedges to the pan right before serving. Serve with white rice.

Serves 2
Preparation time 10 min

Cooks Note
I keep a tube of tomato paste in the fridge for when I only need small quantities

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