Friday, March 20, 2009

So you want to be a blogger....

My name is Julieta Cadenas and I am a 30 year veteran of Wall Street and a lifelong aficionado of good food, fine wines and great entertaining. I have been living in Miami Florida since 1999.

My cooking career began on the eve of my wedding in 1969 with a few basic recipes from my mother that later became the basis of my first cookbook, a black 3-ring notebook that I still keep with me. In those days we clipped recipes from magazines such as the Ladies Home Journal and Good Housekeeping, as well as from brand advertisements. For years, I cooked with the Joy of Cooking, The New York Times Cookbook by Craig Claiborne, Julia Child, Gourmet Magazine and the Junior League cookbooks. Then, of course, came Martha Stewart’s Entertaining and the world changed.

I have lived in many areas of the United States and in my career as an investment banker in New York, travelled extensively all over the world. I was fortunate to be able to stay at the best hotels and eat at the best restaurants due to an extensive expense account in the days of plenty at investment banks. But more importantly, coming from a family and generations of fabulous home cooks, I was always in the kitchen, including the years I was a working mother of two, always trying something new, and experimenting with different cuisines. What I had tried abroad and couldn’t find in town, I cooked at home.

My house has always been a Mecca for family and friends to gather and enjoy good food, fine wines and the good life. This blog is in memory of those good times and is dedicated to my daughter, Christina whose love and support have been indispensable, particularly during my fight with breast cancer a few years ago.

Cooking has always been a passion, and no matter the circumstances, we will always entertain.


  1. As a well seasoned apprentice of my mothers talents I would like to add an endorsement in her favor. I did not always love cooking. But I certainly loved to dine at my mothers table. I am fortunate to have grown up with a silver palate! Not many kids I knew had some of the exotic dishes we had. She taught us to always”try” something before we rejected it based on looks. 9 times out of 10 it was something I to this day find delicious. Today, I love to cook. And I’ll do so at any opportunity. Thanks to my mother I’ve become quite confident and experimental. What I thought was going to be a challenge has become second nature. Thanks mom. I look forward to learning more.

  2. you're welcome, darling. Now, my challenge is to learn to be a blogger!

  3. I stumbled across your blog when looking at google images for quiche (on the menu tonight). You have a beautiful blog with many varied recipes. Thanks for sharing your recipes. I especially am intrigued by lindaraxa's garden, what a pretty back story to the alhambra.


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